Chapter 26

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    It’s been two days since I’ve actually slept. We are no longer at the Underground. We’re going to Mexico and I didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone. I didn’t want to. I’m scared but I don’t show it to anyone. I’ll miss everyone. I’ll miss Lorna and Marcos. John and Clarice. But I know that if the Frosts are going to be here, I’ll never be safe.

    Reed found some sort of base to bring us through. He says that we can trust the people helping us. I guess if Reed trusts them, I should trust them. But I feel like there is something bad about to happen.

    But Lauren thinks we’ll be okay. While I was dealing with drama, Lauren had some sort of boyfriend while we were in the Underground. His name was Wes. But he left after Reed found out he did some awful crimes. I guess he helps people now because we were waiting for people to come in an empty room where the base was, only to find out that Wes was hiding people behind one of his illusions. Lauren ran up to him and basically went back to her normal teenage self. At least one of us can be happy.


    It hasn’t even been one day and things are already going left. I don’t know how, but the Sentinels came out of nowhere and started shooting up the place. Wes tries his best to keep us from being seen using his illusions but he’s getting weak by the minute. But Lauren comes over to save the day by using her shields to help us. Reed is on the phone. I don’t know who the heck he could possibly be calling at this moment. Then I hear him say the name Marcos. I start to feel better knowing that we are going back to the Underground. But right now isn’t the time to be relieved.

    Wes is getting weaker and weaker. We’re not even being attacked by guns. We are being attacked by mutants. They are cuffed together by some sort of device. I realize that Lisa told me something about the Hound Program. And now since Andy and Lauren used their powers in front of Campbell, they are trying to match their energy with other mutants. I get chills down my spine. I can’t even use my powers because of how weak and tired I am. Andy tries to help but he ends up falling to the ground. Hard. I rush to him. I guess if I can’t help Wes and Lauren, I should help my boyfriend.

    Caitlin’s voice shakes with worry. “Andy are you okay?”

    His eyes are closed but he responds. “My head. It hurts.”

    “You’ll…you’ll be okay. I promise. Just look at me.” I say. “Open your eyes. Please.”

    He obeys and I sigh in relief. He looks like he hit his head hard. But he’ll be okay. I must be some sort of psychic because a few minutes later, the boy is up walking. But I feel like something is wrong. It’s like he’s in a trance. But like sheep, we follow him.

    When we stop, we find ourselves in front of a black car. I roll my eyes as I see the Frost sisters standing in front of us, all innocent like. Now I figured out why Andy was acting weird. But they aren’t the only ones there. I see Lisa. She’s wearing a denim jacket, something that I didn’t really expect, since she likes leather jackets. Under that, she is wearing a black and white striped shirt and jeans. I feel very uncomfortable because to top it all of, her hair is in a ponytail. I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen my sister’s hair in a ponytail. That’s one of the things that I hate.

Lisa in a ponytail. I know I sound childish but I just don’t understand what’s the point of changing style now. I’m so shocked, I don’t even notice her glasses that she’s wearing. Like who is this person? Cause I know for sure, this isn’t my sister. I shake my head in disgust. I felt betrayed. But not by Lisa. By myself. I feel like I let her do this. I made her feel like she needed to change. I can see that everyone else sees the change, too. And no one likes it. I look at Lauren, who looks like she’s about to cry. I never really thought of Lauren and Lisa being close but I guess this change really took a toll on her.

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