Chapter 12

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    In a nutshell, we made it. We got saved by Clarice. She somehow got her powers back in full motion. Convenient, much? But I’m not complaining. I’m so blessed that we made it out alive. I thought that we were going to die for sure. But I feel like I’d be even more blessed if Lisa will just stop talking about how Andy basically destroyed the door and smashed it into pieces. I feel like life would be better without all of the praise. I mean, he could’ve killed one of us.


    We met up with Danny after putting him in danger the other day. I’m still getting used to being a fugitive. It’s really hard though. I feel like I’m a ghost in plain sight. A ghost that can be taken away in the matter of seconds if fate had the chance. I can tell that Caitlin must be very guilty. But she shouldn’t be, she is trying to find her husband. If I were her, I would’ve done the same thing.

    But what do I know about love?

    “Thanks for meeting me.” she says to her brother. “Especially after yesterday.”

    “Any time you call, I’ll be there.” Danny says. “But I thought you’d come alone.”

    I ignore their conversation and I talk to Lisa, who is leaning on the car.

    “So, how are you doing?” I ask.

    “I’m running away from my entire life and my sister has a crush on a boy with demon powers. But other than that, I’m doing good.” she replies.

    “What is so bad about Andy?” I ask.

    “I’m worried okay?” she says. “I’m scared…for you.”

“Why?” I ask. “He is my friend. Why are you so scared for me?”

“Because. He might hurt you.” she says.

“I don’t think he’d break my heart.” I say.

“No. No. Not like that. I mean he might hurt you physically.” she says.

“Like, sexual abuse?” I ask.

“No.” she says. “Like he might accidentally use his powers to hurt you.” she explains.

“Really?” I say. “He’s gonna learn to control them. You and I did.”

Lisa sighs. “I know he can. But…”

“I see.” I say. “I know why you don’t want me to date him.”

“And why don’t I want you to be with him?” she asks.

“You don’t want me to grow up.” I say. “You’re scared I’m gonna abandon you for Andy.”

“No.” she says, crossing her arms. “I just want you to be safe. That’s all.”

I roll my eyes. “So you wouldn't be mad if I ask him to be my boyfriend?”

“No. I wouldn't.” Lisa says through gritted teeth.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

Lisa nods aggressively.

“Okay, then.” I say, turning to Andy, who has been quiet the entire time. “I’m gonna ask him.”

“Okay.” Lisa says, mocking me.

I walk up to him. A big smile goes across my face.

“Hey Andy.” I say.

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