Marriage Promises

22 1 1

Jack's POV

It's been a month since Mark and I have gotten married. We still haven't told YouTube yet but.... do we need to. I was sitting on the couch, getting ready to record beatsaber, when Mark burst through the door. "Jack!" "What?!" I screamed. "Close your eyes!" I was freaking out but did exactly as I was told. I heard his footsteps, and felt his arms wrap around my neck from behind. "Open..." he whispered. I open to see a picture.... not just any picture... an ultrasound. My heart skipped a beat. "Mark..." 

He hugged me tightly and wouldn't stop smiling. "I was saving this for a Christmas present but... I got excited. It's our kid!" He beamed. "What?!" I shouted. "You mean..." "We're gonna Be daddies!" He shouted. I laughed and smiled. "Wait... when did you do this?" "My mom planned an appointment for after our honeymoon to find a surrogate mother. Well we found one and the doctors took what they needed from me and did what they needed to do and the surrogate is pregnant!" He shouted.

I smiled, "This is amazing!" I hugged him tightly. "Oh god.... we don't have a baby room..." Marks eyes widened. "Fuck! Where's the baby going to sleep?!" "Mark! Honey... we'll figure out something." I put a hand on his arm. "You're right.... you're right..." He breathed out slowly. 

I could tell he was still uneasy.  "Does your mom have any of your old baby stuff?" "Yea but..  It's like hella old." "Dammit" He breathed. "Well...  Let's go! " I jumped and headed out the door.  Mark followed,  unable to stop smiling.

We drove to the mall and entered a baby store. "Do we know if it's a boy or a girl?" "It's too soon... She literally just got pregnant 3 weeks ago." "Oh.. " I sighed. I stopped at some onesies.

"Ohh!  Mark look!  They have Tiny box Tim and Sam Septiceye onesies!!" Mark just smiled at me. "Grab one of both." I grabbed them,  bought some toys,  a crib,  a toy chest,  and a mobile.

We headed home and got everything in the apartment. "Now... Where is everything going to go?" Mark looked at me and face palmed. "We don't even have a room!" He yelled.

"We will just share a recording room." We started clearing out my recording room. Within a month we got my recording room cleaned out.  "Guess what..." Mark said quizically.  "What?"

"It's a boy."

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