Bonus Chapter #3

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We looked at each other curiously. I was expecting them to cry. To my surprise one lifted their arms and said, "Daddy."

Marks POV

I smiled at my still sleeping husband. After 1 year of being married, my heart still flutters when he says he loves me. The quiet house is interrupted by a loud crash! My heart skips a beat as once sleeping Sean is up and running. I jump up and run after him. The follow the sound into Abe's room. His once filled crib, is empty. "Abe!!!!" Sean's shouts and drops to the floor. I dash as I check the other kids rooms. "Sean! They're all gone!" I shout. I feel my heart drop and tears envelope my eyes. 

After sitting on our couch with shock blankets, and police coming and asking us questions, the house is silent once more. Sean sits with his back towards me. "Sean...." I reach out for him. The look in his eyes kills me. I've only ever seen it twice before yet this time.... it's worse. "Mark... our kids!" He yells as he collapses in my arms. I feel as if I'm drowning. Drowning in his tears. My entire job is to protect my family and I can't even do that. 

I turn to see a glitching figure we're Sean laid. "Wh- Who are you?" I question, inching away from him. A deep laugh, one I have heard before responds. "Oh Marky. Don't you remember me? We've had some fun times." He closes in on me. It... looked like Sean but... it wasn't. He leaned in and kissed me roughly. I tried to push him away. Something about his kiss was so familiar yet so... unknowing. "Stop it! I'm married!" I finally pushed him away as I waved my ring in front of him. "Ugh. You're no fun. What's marriage or love without a little fun." I raised his eyebrows. 

"I- Im not going to cheat on Sean! I love him!" "Are you sure? You hesitated." He laughed as he glitched. I felt as I perspired. "You're glistening. Are you nervous?" He danced around me. "Scared? Perhaps.." He slid his cold hands down my body. I felt myself shiver. He started messaging my nipples. I let out a quiet moan. "Horny..." he purred in my ear. "No!" I shouted and pushed him off. He just chuckled. My head starts aching. I grab it as a searing pain fills my mind. I stumble over to the bathroom, where I look in the mirror. It cracks, and everything goes black. 

Darks POV

I tilt my head to both sides. Feels good to be out. The spots where Anti touched Mark, burn on me. I walk out to see him chuckling. In a blind rage I hold him up by his throat. "You're not allowed to touch Mark!!" I yell tightening my grip. "You weren't coming out so I had to do something.." his voice rasped as he chuckled. I snarl and throw him to the side. "You arrogant ass." I grunt through my teeth. He smirks and walks out the door. I go to the Abe's  room and notice a scrap of tux on the broken window. "Hmm." I grab it and examine it. "It's one of mine!" I shout. Bloody paw prints track around the crib. "The baby!" I shout and jump out the window. I feel the wind rush past me as the window grows farther away from me.

I land on the ground with a soft thud. Shouts fill the air and curses. "Ya fuckin arse! You fucking fell on me!" "Shut the fuck up Anti!" I stand up and brush off my tux. "Whoever stole the children, stole one of my tuxes." A faint cry, makes me turn my head. A dark silhouetted figure blended in with the night. A large burlap sack moved on its back. "There!" I exclaim. 

Anti's POV

I nod at Darks words and make way towards the figure. "Stop!" I shout. I see as its dimly lit face turns toward me, and books it. I follow the figure with Dark close behind. It heads down an alley way as I close in. I follow him into a run down building. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the red light emitting from the room I'm in. "It's a club..." Dark says as he moves in front of me. 

"Good job. You are actually smart." An all to familiar voice rings out. In the middle of the room a black swivel chair sits. "Who the fuck are you." The chair spins to reveal an all to familiar face. 

"We've had fun together." Felix says.

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