lance x keith. confession

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on earth 

updated version 

pov: no one's 


keith walked down the beach his raven hair blowing in the cold wind as he had his hands in his jacket pockets, he couldn't help but think of lance McClain, fucking hot lance McClain the one who makes keith blush and giggle when near, just thinking about lance makes keith blush.

 keith sighed looking out into the ocean, sure they were home, back on earth and happy, but keith felt lonely, his mom wasn't there she had went on a mission and had took kosmo, shiro was happily married to Curtis and Adam and barely had time for keith, and then hunk and pidge found happiness together as bestfriends, of course hunk ended up with shay, and coran is dating alfor and allura dating romella, lance living his life at his farm with his huge family.

 but keith was alone and was sad, he loved lance a lot and wanted to be his boyfriend, but thought he didn't stand a chance with that lover boy. keith sat down on a rock he leaned back looking out into the blue sea as the sun set for the night and the moon and stars came out, night time was keith's favorite time it was nice out and beautiful.

 keith closed his eyes then felt a hand on his shoulder "the ocean sure is gorgeous at this time" lance's voice spook and keith opened his eyes "Lance?, what are you doing here?" keith asked and stood up he hugged lance tightly.

 lance hugs back he smiles "Someone missed me" lance says and keith hits lance's shoulder playfully "I missed you mullet" lance says and keith blushed lightly he pulled away "I missed you too lover boy" keith says and smiles "oh, didn't know mister mullet could smile" lance teases and keith huffs "Whatever. but really, what are you doing here lance?" keith asks and lance sighs "I wanted to see you keith" lance says and smiles.

"really? well that's surprising" keith says and crosses his arm's. lance chuckles he moves some strands of hair out of keith's face "you're hair has gotten longer" lance says and keith nods "yeah, yours is too" keith says and lance huffs then smiles "come on let's walk" lance says and grabs keith's hand then walks away. 

keith followed "Is something wrong lance?" keith asked and lance sighs he stops walking and turns to keith.

"keith kogane, I have loved you ever since I first saw you, I love you're smile and the way you get so upset when I call you mullet, and I love you're  eyes and how they always sparkle when you get excited and shine when there's tears in them, and I you're hair I even love that stupid mullet and how soft it is and you somehow always smell sweet like candy, and the way you bite you're lip when anxious I love that too keith, so what I'm trying to say keith is will you be my boyfriend?" lance says and grabs keith's hands.

keith had tears in his eyes he smiled and nodded "mhm" keith hummed and sniffled he hugged lance tightly "I love you too lance" keith says and cries quietly. lance smiled he held keith close and ran his fingers through keith's raven black hair. 

lance lifted keith's chin up and then placed a gentle loving kiss, keith kissed back and closed his eyes, and in that very moment keith knew he had found the one he loved, and will always love for as long as he lives. 


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