shklance, dead mans party (zombie Apocalypse au)

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warnings: fluff. mpreg. zombie Apocalypse. gore.

pov: no ones

keith was sitting in the back of the car waiting for shiro and lance to get in and start driving to the party they were going to. keith was rubbing his stomach gently and smiling happy they were going to have a kid soon enough. keith leans back and sighs looking out the window his raven black hair covering his purple eyes. lance and shiro get in the car and throw there bags in the back "ready to go baby?" shiro asks looking back at his pregnant lover. keith nods slightly and buckles up. lance and shiro buckle up. shiro starts to drive to the party it was an hour and thirty minutes away. lance turns on some music he reaches back and holds Keith's hand gently, keith smiles and looks out the window holding lances hand gently. shiro smiled and turned up the music a bit.  the music changed to the news channel talking about some kind of virus turning people into some kind of creature. keith had a scared look on and tears in his eyes "hey it's gonna be alright baby" lance says as he gently runs his thumb over Keith's knuckles. keith nods and sniffles. "the virus won't spread to here, I promise you everything will be alright" shiro says and reach's back rubbing Keith's thigh gently and smiling gently. "shiro look out!" lance yells and shiro turns the car before it could hit the person in the road. keith covered his mouth tears fell down his cheeks. shiro pants "they need to watch where there fucking walking we could of died" shiro growls under his breath as he continues to drive. "What were they even doing?" lance says clearly pissed off. "probably some stupid teenager" shiro mumbled as he sighed and turned up the news. keith unbuckles he looks at lance. lance grabs keith and sets him in his lap holding his pregnant lover close. keith sniffles and holds onto lance tightly hiding his face in lances neck. lance rubs Keith's back and listens to the news he gets worried. shiro holds lances hand and rubs his knuckles "It will be alright" shiro says gently as he gives a small smile and focuses  on the road. lance nods and smiles slightly as he looks out the window and rubs Keith's back. keith drifts off to sleep but before his eyes close he sees a couple people walking out of the forest he then falls asleep. 

lance sees the 'people' and rolls down his window to get a better view of them. lance eyes widen seeing the 'people'  bleeding and having guts hanging out or bones showing and there hair falling out and there clothes all ripped. lance rolls up his window he pants lightly "shiro drive faster, the news was right there is something out there" lance says as he holds keith close and protectively . "what are you talking about lance?, everything is fine" shiro says and then sees that there are car crashed almost everywhere he then sees the 'people' and his eyes widen. shiro drives faster as his eyes widen in surprise that the news was right. keith wakes up slowly "what's going on?" keith asks sleepily as he rubs his  eyes "nothing baby, just go back to sleep" lance says gently as he puts Keith's jacket on him. keith cuddles lance and yawns "why are we going so fast?" keith asks and then looks out the window seeing the 'people' he screams. lance holds keith close and covers his eyes "its alright, they can't get us" lance says gently.

 "y-you said they wouldn't come here keith says as he cries and clings to lance "I'm sorry baby" shiro says as he holds Keith's hand gently and rubs his knuckles feeling his pregnant lover shake. lance pets keith and looks at shiro scared. "it's gonna be alright I'll keep us safe" shiro says gently as he drives faster and gets off  the road and on a bumpy road with rocks and then some dead birds and people laying around. lance looked down not wanting to see the dead animals and people. shiro saw a little zombie girl and his heart broke. shiro drives faster as tears filled his eyes. keith calmed down slightly and held onto lance gently "I want to go home" keith says sniffling and closing his eyes tightly. "I know, but we are only 40 minutes away from the party, our friends will be there they can help us" shiro says as he tries to drive faster but doesn't want to crash. lance bites his lip and looks out the window as he holds a shaking and sniffling keith. shiro turned off the radio he hands keith his phone "play some games to keep your mind off things" shiro says gently and keith nods turning on shiros phone and playing a puzzle game. lance puts some headphones on keith and turns some music on for him. keith leans against lance and continues to play the game and listen to the calming music.

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