lance x keith, valentines

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               on the altean ship              updated

pov: no one's 


lance sat by the huge window in the front of the ship and looked out into the emptiness of space, it was valentines day and lance was lonely, he wanted his family back, he wanted his life back, he wanted keith back. 

truth be told he loved keith and had been wanting to ask keith to date him but that didn't go as planned cause keith left for the blade of Marmora, he left behind everyone. allura's pissed about it since red won't open up, but there hasn't been any fights since keith left two weeks and three days ago. 

lance sighed he leaned against the glass and looked at his wrist, keith gave him a bracelet before he left, it was ocean blue and dark red really pretty. lance stood up he heard the alarm go off and ran to get his armor on the others there too they get in there lion's. 

"hey shiro, what's happing?" pidge asks flying his lion. "I'm not sure- wait there's a ship flying near us" shiro says and the they stop the lions looking as the ship stopped "shiro, it's me" keith says through the speaker and shiro smiles. lance eyes widen he smiles "keith?! what are you doing here?" lance asks excited but hiding the fact.

"I wanted to visit for valentines day" keith says and lance knew keith was being shy about it hearing his voice get smaller. "that's great keith, now come on inside" shiro says and they fly back the lions and keith lands the ship he gets out.

lance runs to keith and picks him up hugging him tightly. keith yelps he blushes lightly and hugs back "um lance?" keith says shyly and lance let's go setting down keith. "My bad, but it's good to see you mullet head" lance says and keith huffs he punches lance's arm. "Ouch" lance whined and huffed "rude" lance says and keith smiles "I missed you lance" keith says quietly then walks away hugging shiro and the others. 

lance smiled "hey keith, can we talk?" lance asks and keith nods he follows lance to his bedroom. 

lance closes the bedroom door he pulls keith close "Keith kogane will you be my valentine?" lance asks and keith blushes deeply he nods "y-yes" Keith says and lance smiles he kisses keith gently and full of love. 

keith kissed back he hugs lance and closes his eyes. "I. love. you." lance says and keith smiles brightly "I love you too lance" keith says and lance picks him up laying him on the bed "Let's play" lance says. 


ya'll know what happened, ya nasty's 

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