shiro x keith, friends or more?

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In the altean ship                            updated version 

pov: no one's 


keith sat on his bed he held his blade in his hand and starred at it, was he really galra? was he really the enemy?, all these thoughts went through keith's head making him feel uneasy and he was startled when he heard the door open, he hid the blade under his pillow then looked up.

 "shiro? what's up?" keith asks and moves raven hair behind his ear. "hey keith, sorry for not knocking. I just want to make sure you're alright" shiro says and sits down, keith looks at shiro "shiro, I'm fine" keith says and smiles gently.

"keith I can tell you're not fine, just talk to me. I'm here for you" shiro says and hugs keith close. keith hugs shiro and sighs nodding.

"am I a monster? cause I feel like I am. I'm enemy shiro, I'm a galra... I don't deserve to be a paladin of Voltron..." keith says and shiro shakes his head "you aren't a monster keith, you're a hero and you do deserve to be a paladin, you are a strong fighter and have a big heart even if you don't show it sometimes, I believe in you keith, so you need to believe in yourself, keith kogane" shiro says and keith let out a small sigh.

 "thank you shiro" keith says and hugs shiro tightly, shiro hugs back he smiles "how about we go train a bit? get you're mind off this galra thing" shiro says and keith nods "that would be nice" keith says and shiro gets up he helps up keith.


"keith, you're left" shiro says while fighting his own bot. keith nods he kicks down the robot to his right and then uses his sword to stab it. "end training " shiro says and the robots shut off. 

keith pants heavily he sits on the ground and drinks some water. shrio sits by keith and pats keith's back while drinking his own water. 

"nice work" shiro says and smiles, keith smiles back he leans against shiro "you too" keith says and shiro sighs happily and drinks more water. 

"hey, um shiro?" keith says and shiro looks down at him "What's up?" shiro asks and keith sighs softly "what do you do when you have a crush?" keith asks and shiro chuckles "The best thing to do is tell them, before it's to late" shiro says and drinks more water.

"oh okay, well shiro, I like you.. a lot" keith says and shiro spits out water surprised he looks at keith. keith tilts his head like a puppy would and shiro smiles he wipes water off his mouth "I like you too keith" shiro says and kisses keith's cheek. 

keith blushed lightly and hugged shiro tightly smiling "will you be my boyfriend keith kogane?" shiro asks and keith nods "mhm, I will" keith says and shiro kisses him. keith kisses back tangling his fingers in shiro's hair. shiro picks up keith and stands up "let's take this to the shower" shiro says and keith nods blushing he holds onto shiro and they go to shower to have some fun. 


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