shiro x keith. safe in my arm's

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pov: no one's                            updated                         on earth                           


shiro laid on the couch holding keith close and tightly, keith was asleep he had bags under his eyes from not sleeping enough and his hair was all messy. shiro tried his best to take care of keith, keith had over worked himself while shiro was away on his trip and when shiro had   come  back he took care of keith very well but was worried he wasn't doing enough. 

keith woke up he rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Hey sweet heart, you feeling alright?" shiro asks and holds keith close. keith cuddles shiro and shakes his head "I-I feel like I'm not good enough, am I n-not good enough?" keith asks and cries he trembles.

"shh it's alright, you are perfect to me and are doing so well, I'm so proud of you sweetie" shiro says and rocks keith. keith sobs he hugs shiro tightly and nods slightly "I-I missed you" keith says and shiro kisses his head "I missed you too hun" shiro says and covers up keith holding him close.

"Now let's watch you're favorite movie, eat some snacks and I'll get some soda and we can stay on the couch for the rest of the day, alright?" shiro says gently and keith nods he sniffles and smiles. shiro smiles and goes to get everything ready.



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