ship: sheith. mama keith kogane

546 10 2

suggestion by: vldks1995

keith walked through the galra ship his sword drawn, and his heart racing. the others weren't answering him and he couldn't find them anywhere so he was alone in a galra ship. keith looks around biting his lip as he tried to keep quiet, hiding whenever he saw some galra walk past. keith takes a deep breath hiding behind a curtain not noticing that behind him was a cage as he was to focused on watching for more galra. keith heard some crying and turned around "hello?" keith whispers softly and sees a small outline of a body. 

the little figure comes into the dim light and keith saw it was a little boy, crying. keith was gonna kick some galra ass for kidnapping this poor child. keith breaks the lock with his sword and opens the door "Come here. you're alright," keith says softly and quietly as he opens the cage door and the boy runs to him crying and hugging him. keith picks up the little boy and tries to quiet him "you're alright. what's your name?" keith asks and starts to walk as the little boy settles down and hugs keith. 

"Ali" the little boy whispers knowing to keep quiet. "I'm keith. I am gonna get you out of here as soon as I find my team" keith whispers and Ali smiles "Mama" Ali says and keith feels his cheeks heat up in embarrassment "w-what? no I'm not your mom" keith says softly and Ali starts to cry. "no, no! don't cry!" keith whisper yells  and bounces Ali "you can call me mama. that's alright" keith says softly and Ali sniffles. keith sits down he sighs and wipes away Ali's tears. 

"Mama" Ali whispers and sniffles hugging keith. keith hugs Ali "I'll get you out. I promise" keith whispers and runs his finger's through Ali's hair gently. Ali yawns softly and his eyes slowly close. keith finds himself slowly falling asleep his arm's wrapped tight around Ali. 

"keith? keith hey!" shiro whisper yells and keith slowly wakes up "Shiro!" keith whisper yells and stands up hugging shiro tightly. shiro hugs keith close "god, we thought we lost you" shiro says and tangles his fingers in keith's hair. "I though I lost you too. god I was so scared then I found Ali.. wait where's Ali?" keith says and looks around quickly "calm down, lance got him to the ship" shiro says and keith settles. 

keith hugs shiro tightly and sighs softly. shiro holds keith close, they stood there hugging for a bit until shiro finally spoke "we should get out of here" shiro says and keith nods he looks up at shiro. shiro leans down a bit and kisses keith gently. keith kisses back and slowly closes his eyes. "hey!!" a galra yells and keith and shiro look over. "Shit! run!" keith says and grabs shiro's hand running to the there lions. shiro holds keith's hand and runs with him. keith kisses shiro then gets in his lion. shiro gets in his lion.

 they fly away to the altean ship. keith fly's in and gets out of his lion. "mama!!" Ali screeches and runs to keith. "Ali!" keith says and hugs Ali close. the others watch stunned by how keith acted and that Ali called keith 'mama'. shiro parks his lion (like a fucking car!🤣) and then gets out. keith stands up, holding Ali close like a mother or father would to their child. 

shiro looks at them and smiles. "hey mullet seems you got a child now, huh?" lance says and laughs. keith rolls his eyes and then looks at shiro and smiles "Ohhh shit! someone kissed" lance teased and keith glares at him "lance, watch your words" shiro says and chuckles walking to keith. keith smiles shyly and holds Ali. Ali giggled and looked up at shiro "dada!" Ali says and claps. shiro blushed lightly and so did keith. 

"I should clean up Ali" keith says softly and walks away to his room. "get em, tiger" pidge whispers in shiro's ear. shiro chuckles and shakes his head he takes off his armor then goes to keiths room. pidge and lance high-five.

shiro knocks on keiths door, he hears keiths laughs which makes him smile. shiro walks in he peaks through the bathroom door and watches keith playing and cleaning Ali. Ali laughed and smiled. keith smiled happily and laughed softly.  shiro walks in and smiles sitting by keith. keith looks at shiro "hey" shiro says and gently caresses keiths thigh. keith smiled "hi" keith says and blushes as he looks back to Ali and rinses his hair. 

"I really do like you keith. the kiss was nice too" shiro says and kisses keith's neck gently. keith blushed "I like you too, shiro" keith says and looks at shiro. shiro kisses keith gently and places a hand on keith's cheek. keith kisses back putting his wet hands on shiro's chest. 

"mama! I wan out!" Ali says and stands up splashing water at keith. "okay, okay" keith says calmly and drains the bathtub (where tf does the water go tho? does it evaporate? maybe, maybe it does) keith wraps Ali in a towel and picks him up setting him on the fluffy rug and drying him off.

Ali giggles and smiles. shiro watches he stands up and waits for keith on his bed. keith gets Ali dressed "go to lance, yeah? I'll be out in a bit" keith says and kisses Ali's cheek. Ali runs off to lance. keith closes his door, then sits by shiro. shiro kisses keith and holds keith's hips gently. keith kisses back and wraps his arms around shiro's neck, sitting in his lap. 

shiro an keith make out slowly, and sweetly. keith rubs shiros cheek gently and kisses his nose. shiro smiles "I love you" shiro says and places kisses on keith's collar bone. "I love you too" keith says and smiles cuddling shiro. "We should get to the others" keith says and stands up. shiro stands up he hugs keith close and kisses his ear, nibbling a bit. keith smiled and giggled "come on, let's go" keith says and holds shiros hand then walks out . shiro chuckles and follows keith out.

I hope that's what you wanted. if it's not I can always rewrite it for you❤.

words: 1059

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