first day of high school part two (sheith)

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I hold onto shiro and hide my face in shiros chest "We should get cleaned up" I say as I look at shiro gently trying to hide the fact I might get pregnant from the school hottie, which isn't that bad I guess, but still! I can't get pregnant I'm seventeen for gods sake and in school!, i was panicking inside but kept calm on the outside trying to get shiro involved in this. "ya probably but i don't want to, why don't i take you to my house and we can spend the rest of the day there, hm?" shiro says holding me close and rubbing my ass making me whimper but purr "n-no i can't miss anymore classes, my mom will kill me" i say and shiro groans "fine" shiro says and gets us cleaned up and then he then gets out. shiro helps me out of the truck and then closes the door and locks it.   i walk into school feeling queasy and tired, and my ass hurt!, ugh life is stupid as fuck. i groaned and then looked back at shiro. shiro grabs my hand gently and squeezes it "come on let's go to class, i have the same one's as you" shiro says and i nod holding his hand we walk to science class together hand in hand and his hand just went to my  ass, fucking idiot.

in class

same pov still

i sit and class and hold my stomach feeling more sick then i did before. i look at the tacher and shakily raise my hand "yes keith?" the teacher says and looks at me seeing I look sick "I n-need to use the bathroom" I say and the teacher nods "Alright go on but be quick" the teacher says I nod feeling the need to throw up I don't bother grabbing my bag and I run out going to the bathroom but I hear the teacher send someone to see what's wrong with me. I get to the bathroom quickly and get into a stall throwing up and leaning on the toilet while I'm on my knees and holding my stomach. I sniffle tears fall down my cheeks as I cough "keith?" I hear a someone say I then look back and see someone walk up to the stall I am in and open the stall showing that the person was-.

pov's: shiro's 

i was sitting across from keith and working on my project. I looked over at keith noticing he was pale and looked really sick and tired. I look down and see keith holding his stomach making my eyes widen in surprise  and how did i not notice before, he's pregnant! I'm an idiot I shouldn't have came in him, ugh this is going to cause him stress. i groan quitely to myself then look at keith seeing him shakily raise his hand "yes keith?" i hear our teacher coran say and look at coran then back at keith "i n-need to use the bathroom" keith says and coran nods "alright go on but be quick" coran says and keith nods he gets up and doesn't bother grabbing his bag he just runs out hand over his mouth and hugging his stomach. "shiro go check on keith and see what's wrong " coran says and I nod getting up I grab Keith's bag and then my own and walk out going to the bathroom. I see keith run into the bathroom and I follow also walking in. "keith?" I say sweetly as I walk up to the stall he's in I heard small cries and keith throwing up. I open the stall door and look at keith seeing him look back at me his face full of surprise and fear and sadness.

pov: Keith's 

shiro, what was shiro doing in here?! ugh it could've been anyone else but no it was shiro. i didn't want shiro to see me crying and i didn't want him to know i got pregnant. "hey baby, you alright?" shiro asks gently and kneels down i nod and crawl to him hugging him i don't know why i did it i just needed someone and i guess he's the one i needed. shiro hugs me and rubs my back kissing my head gently "it's alright, i know your pregnant keith" shiro says and i sniffle letting out a small cry "I'm s-sorry" i say and cry holding onto him and hidng my face in his chest. "hey don't cry sweetheart, it's alright" shiro says  lifting my chin and kissing my nose gently "now let's get you cleaned up and take you home" shiro says cleaning my mouth with some wipes. I nod slightly and sniffle "my mom's gonna make me drop out of school since I'm pregnant and she's gonna make me work to help with the bills and my dog kosmo" I say and hug shiro "you can live with me and my dad, I was gonna drop out anyway so I could help my dad with the house and our cat black" shiro says and picks me up grabbing our bags. I look at shiro "Are you sure?" I ask worried and I see shiro smile and nod "Of course, my dad won't mind" shiro says and walks to the principal office. shiro walks in the office he talks to the principal and tells him we're leaving the principal understands and nods. shiro walks out to his truck he puts me in the passenger seat and then sets our bags inside the truck he texts his friends then gets in and starts his truck. I lean back and hold shiros hand. shiro grips my hand gently and then starts to drive to my house so we can get my stuff and tell my mom.

when they get to the house

pov: no one's

shiro and keith get out of the car. keith walks to the front door he noticed his mom's car was there and then opened the houses door. keith and shiro walk in and krolia looks at them "why did you drop out of school?" krolia says but she wasn't mad just worried. krolia walks to keith " mom, I-Im pregnant, and this is shiro my boyfriend " keith says and shiro smiles holding his hand, krolia's eyes widen she covers her moouth and a wide smile appears "That's amazing honey, but you know if you don't go to school your to have to work to help me with the house" krolia says making shiro roll his eyes and pull keith close "I'm moving in with shiro and his dad, and I'm bringing kosmo with" keith says and krolia eyes go wode again as her smile goes into a frown. kosmo barks he runs to keith and licks his hand making keith smile. kosmo knew keith was pregnant so he was gentle. keith hugs kosmo and kisses his head. "fine, just go get your stuff" krolia says and keith nods. keith walks away to get his stuff and shiro and kosmo follow. keith packs his stuffand grabs two of his bags. kosmo grabbed the handle of his bag and then shiro held two more bags. "let's go" shiro says and then walks downstairs keith follows and kosmo does to. "bye mom" keith says and krolia waves bye. keith walks outside he puts his bags in the bag and shiro does the same. kosmo jumps in the back and lays down on the seats. keith smiles and so does shiro they both get in front. shiro starts the truck he kisses keith's cheek and then starts to drive to his house. keith yawns he rubs his eyes then holds shiros hand and closes his eyes.

when they get to the house

shiro and keith get out and grab there bags and then walk into the house kosmo follows. shiros dad smiles and walks to him hugging him then hugging keith "I'm happy you came to live with us, this will be a great place to have a kid" shiros dad says and kisses keiths head. keith smiles "thank you for letting me stay" keith says shyly and blushed lightly. shiro chuckles he goes up stairs and puts all the bags in his room then goes back to keith. black purrs and rubs against kosmo. kosmo licks black. keith smiles he hugs shiro and kisses him. shiro kisses back and picks up keith holding him close "you need to rest" shiro says and walks up stairs then lays keith in bed and changes him into some warmer clothes. shiro covers up keith and kisses his head "goodnight my love" shiro says and kisses keiths head then his stomach. "night" keith says and then yawns falling asleep.

nine months later keith had a sweet little boy they named him shikira, shikira had a purple eye and then a gray eye along with pale skin and black hair when he grew up. shikira had fluffy hair and some freckles on his nose and cheeks. 

the end

words: 1516

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