shklance. dead mans town

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don't like don't read it's that simple 

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don't like don't read it's that simple 

I was walking around an abandoned neighborhood my black hair was covered with a beanie. I was using my phone as a flashlight so I could see better this town was abandoned only five years  ago everyone had moved away and no one but the police knew why, but the police hid it they kept away people from ever entering but I simply found a broken fence and climbed through since I was small . I looked around the town it was so empty the house all were broken and looked really creepy. I was trying to be quiet so no one knew I was there. I walked into this house and looked around I heard a noise from upstairs and looked up I then saw two people I screamed dropping my phone I ran out not able to see well I ran to where I had gotten in the hole in the fence was gone and I could hear the running of whoever whatever those things were. I breathed heavily and looked around I cried and then started running again I ran down a hill and tripped falling I screamed and rolled down the hill getting cut with glass and other things. I hit the bottom and breathed heavily trying to get up but my body hurt so much. I cried and then saw those things at the top of the hill they went down the hill and I forced myself to get up but something grabbed my leg I looked down and saw hand grabbing my ankles I screamed and one of those things covered my mouth the other one kicked the hands away. I looked at them and they put there hoods down, they were human. I calmed down slightly and the male uncovered my mouth I coughed and panted almost falling over but one of the males caught me he had blue eyes and brown hair tan skin and the other one had black and white hair pale skin gray eyes. "it's ok, we won't hurt you. now be quiet and let us help you" the black and white haired male said and I nodded slightly. the brown haired male picked me up bridle style then they climbed back up the hill I whimpered pain ran through my body. "fuck they injected him" the white black haired male said and the brown haired male eyes widen he and the black white haired male starting running to the house. I was shocked with  pain and I sobbed. the brown haired male laid me on the couch he grabbed a shot and shot me in the arm. I flinched and the black haired male covered my mouth as I sobbed louder and let our=t muffled screams of pain. the brown haired male pulled it out he wrapped my arm then cleaned the rest of my cuts and bandaged them. the black haired male rubbed my cheek and I calmed down my vision went blurry "get some rest" I heard one of them say before I passed out.

I woke up later and sat up I looked around then saw that two males were sleeping next to me I looked at them. I sniffled and rubbed my eyes the black haired male heard me he groaned and woke up he looked at me and smiled gently I scooted away in fear and he frowned "No, it's ok I won't hurt you, my names shiro" the male shiro says and I nod slightly "come here, you look cold" Shiro says and go to him he wraps his arm's around me he was so warm. I cuddled into the warmth then remembered what happened I started to cry and shiro shushed me he held me close and rocked me "it's ok" shiro says and I cry into his chest. "Shiro? oh he's awake" I heart he other male say and then feel him gently grab me and pull me close "I'm lance" the male lance says and I nod I look up at lance into his blue eyes I calmed down. lance took my beanie off he ran his hand through my hair and I purred softly. shiro hugged me and lance and I cuddled into them both they were so warm and the air was so cold. I sniffle and hold onto them they hold me close and kiss my head gently. I calmed down and looked up at them "w-what were those t-things?" I asked my voice shaky "well, they don't call this dead mans town for nothing" lance says and my eyes widen "y-you mean, t-those hand were attached to dead bodies?" I say and tremble "Yes, I know your scared but it's going to be okay we've been here since this all happened, we've never found a way out" shiro says and rubs my back "I d-don't wanna be stuck here, no no no" I say and sob starting to have a panic attack "Hey hey it's alright, we will find you a way out" lance says and pulls me close as I sob and shake holding onto him tightly. shiro rubs my cheek gently and I slowly calm down.

"I'm finding a way out" I say and get up rubbing my eyes I look around seeing my bag I grab it dumping things out on the bed "do you guys have a map?" I ask and lance nods he grabs the map of the town and lays it out. I study it and cross out places that I should try "Wait, what about the river you guys have?" I ask and shiro eyes widen and so do lances "No" They both say "it's our only choice, there has to be a exit cause the water had to come out of somewhere" I say and lance and shiro sigh "no, one of us could die" shiro says and I look at them "Then I'll protect you both" I say and take out my knife then hand them both one . lance and shiro were worried but they nodded. I grab my screwdriver and put it in my pocket. lance and shiro stand up they grab my arms and then kiss me. I kiss slowly kiss back 'wait , there voices, there faces' I think and my eyes widen "y-you were my bestfriends when I was ten" I say and they nod smiling. I cry and hug them tightly "I missed you guys so much" I say and sob into there chests. they hold me "We missed you too keith" they both say and rub my cheeks. I sniffle and grab there hands tightly. "let's go" lance says and sighs me and shiro nod. we all walk outside knifes out. my shoulder gets grabbed it wasn't lance's or Shiro's hand it was to cold and wet. my eyes widen I scream and shiro and lance look behind me they grab my arm's and we run to the river that thing chases us. lance and shiro jump in the water. I take a deep breath and jumping I look at lance and shiro then look around so many dead bodies. my eyes widen I grab lances and shiros arm's and pull them to where the water comes in. lance grabbed the screw drive he took out the screws. lance dropped the screw driver it landed on a dead body. I look at lance and shiro they shake there heads and I swim to the dead body I grab the screw driver but get grabbed I throw lance the screw driver I get bit and scratched I couldn't get away. shiro quickly swims to me he uses his knife and cuts the arm's he grabs me close and goes to lance. the dead bodies surround us. lance got the thing open it went in and shiro followed still holding me they swam faster and the dead bodies followed. I was losing breathed and was close to passing out. they got into the sewer and coughed. I breathed heavily and coughed holding onto shiro tightly. lance hugged me and shiro we all panted heavily. I smiled "We made it" I say and shiro and lance they smile and hold me close I kiss them and they kiss back holding me "Let's get out of the sewer" lance says and me and shiro nod we see a excited and climb out seeing light we take the drain off and climb up. people looked at us. I hugged lance and shiro tightly. people called the police. the police came they put blankets on us and asked us questions. we answered them all and the police nodded they helped us home. 

once I got back to my house I got in and hugged lance and shiro tightly. lance shiro hugged back. the rest of the day we caught up with each other and smiled everything was better, I hope it will stay that way.


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