First day of high school (Sheith)

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Warnings: Smut. mpreg.

I yawn getting up and getting ready for school, ugh my mom set me up for high school and i'm not excited cause last time I went to school I got bullied it's just gonna be the same this year. I wore a simple black oversized hoodie and then some jeans and boots I left my hair down and just put my hood up. my doesn't know I cut cause I wear hoodies all the time.

once I get ready I go downstairs I knew my mom Krolia was at work so I just had to make my own food. I make a sandwich and put it in a plastic baggy then grab a bag of chips and some water putting it all in my backpack, I feed my dog Kosmo and then kiss his head "have a good day puppy" I say and Kosmo barks his tail wagging.

 I smile then grab my backpack putting it on I grab my headphones and put them turning some music on my phone and then putting the phone in my pocket. I walk out of the house locking it up then getting on my motorcycle and going to school.

Pov: Shiro's

I get up and yawn getting dressed into a grey tank top and some blue jeans along with some sneakers. I knew some people at the school so I was actually excited to go. I walk downstairs I hug my dad "morning dad" I say then start to make my lunch while my dad made breakfast " morning bud" he says and smiles. I smile back and run a hand thru my black hair.

I finish my food and put it in my bag it was just a water a sandwich then some cookies my dad made for me and my friends. I eat the food my dad made me and finish a little later. I say goodbye to my dad and my cat black and then walk outside getting in my truck and heading to school.

Pov: Shiro's

When they get to school

I get out of my truck and smile seeing my friend's hunk pidge and lance. I walk to them and smile "hey guys" I say "hey Shiro" hunk says smiling "hey buddy" lance says smirking "hi ya gay fucker" I hear pidge say as she smiles like a little devil. I chuckle and cross my arm's "Shiro I think your gaining attention from some girls" hunk says pointing to some girls talking and looking at me smiling they wave and giggle I wave back and smile sweetly.

I walk with hunk pidge and lance into school and we go to our lockers. lance was talking about girls while hunk and pidge listened while giving a couple nods and uhuhs. I chuckle getting to my locker I put my bag in it then grab out the books I need the others doing the same we then head to our first class which was English.

We walk into class and sit in our seats that were in the front row. we wait for the teacher to come in. I watch the door way and see a boy walk in he was short with black long hair from what I could see. I see the boy looking around for a seat. I get up and walk to him looking down at him "hi I'm Shiro, what's your name?" I ask being friendly with the cute boy. I see him look up at me he had pretty violet eyes "I'm Keith" I hear the boy named Keith say his voice cute and gentle .

"need help finding a seat?" I ask and he nods shyly I smile and grabbing his hand gently showing him to a seat that was next to me. I see him blush and I chuckle "you can sit here" I say and Keith nods sitting down he sets his bag down. I smile and take a seat next to him class starting.

Pov: Keith's 

I get to school and yawn getting off my motorcycle I take my headphones out and look around, there were so many people and I hated it. I groan looking around I see a boy with black hair and from what I can see grey eyes and his smile was so cute. I blush lightly and groan knowing I have a crush. I see him look at some girls and the girls giggle when he waves, I wish that was me, I see him and his friends walk into the school I follow but see them go a different way where my locker wasn't. I whine and walk to my locker looking around I sigh.

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