shiro x keith. family

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keith and shiro adopted a little boy named dax and dax is only three they adopted him at one so they have had him for threeish years. 

pov: no one's 


 keith was making dinner while shiro was outside working on his truck that was pretty beat up. dax babbled and played with his toys. keith kept a close eye on dax in his play pin but also kept an eye on the food, he was making pasta for shiro and him and then dax was going to get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with juice as they drank wine.

 shiro walks inside covered in grease and sweating but still somehow so handsome. "dada!" dax says and giggles making grabby hands. "Sorry baby boy, I'm all dirty let me shower then I'll play with you alright?" shiro says and smiles making dax huff "fwine" dax says and keith chuckled softly "now go hurry and shower, foods almost done" keith says and smiles. 

shiro nods he walks away and goes to shower. "papa, I wan eat" dax says and keith turns off the stove he drains the water from the now hot noodles and then checks on the white sauce "in a second baby why don't you get everything out, alright? "keith says and picks up dax  then sets him down. dax gets the peanut butter and jelly then the bread and juice he wants. 

keith sets the table then picks up dax sitting dax in his high chair. keith makes dax's food and shiro walks out he kisses dax's cheek then hugs keith from behind and kisses his neck gently "let me get that, you go on and sit at the table" shiro says gently and keith smiles he nods and kisses shiro's head then sits at the table.

shiro gets dax's food and juice and hands them to the little boy then sits by keith. keith smiles he holds shiro's hand and they all eat and drink there wine and juice. "the food is great babe" shiro says and rubs keith's knuckles. 

"Thank you. dax how's you're sandwich?" keith asks and dax claps "good papa" dax says and eats more. keith and shiro chuckle and smile happily. 


"alright time for bed, go say night daddy" keith says and dax runs to shiro hugging him. shiro chuckles he hugs back "Night baby boy" shiro says and kisses dax's head "Night night dada" dax says then goes back to keith. keith picks up dax and then kisses his head.

dax giggled and hugged keith "bed twime" dax says and keith chuckled then put down dax for bed. keith walks to shiro and sits by him hugging him he kisses his cheek. shiro smiled and held keith close he turned on the show top model and watched. keith watches tv slowly falling asleep.

shiro stands up he picks up the sleeping keith and walks to the bedroom laying him in bed and changing him into pj's before getting into bed himself and holding keith close. "goodnight, I love you honey" shiro says before slowly falling asleep.


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