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I was taken to an adjoining room.  The meeting was held in A vacant manor which was randomly used for business purposes.  The room I was in had A screen to show me what went on in the meeting room.  The boys were rejoiced for bringing me safe but they still were anxious since the meeting still had an hour to start.

  The directors had started to come.  All the directors whom Ashar had previously convinced to support my father in law and also those who had not agreed to support us.  But now after my results had come out.  The tables had turned.  Their opinion did not matter anymore. My vote was enough to keep my father in law in his position. 

Once I was proven to be Sophia Edwards I could show them the papers where my husband was in charge of my assets. In other words, The Edward Empire was A part of The Abdullah empire.  My Uncle Houssam would be arrested for forging his daughter's identity as Sophia Edwards.  It would be his end game.  If only I had proof that he was behind my parent's death. But the truth was I had no way of knowing unless he confessed it himself.

As I was deep in thought Minh entered the room.  He greeted me with A smile.  "Are you ready?" I looked at the person my husband thought greatly if. A person whom he trusted with his life. I had never had friends like that. I wish I did. Except for Ashar. I never had a friend like that.

"As ready as I ever could be, "  I said looking at Minho. "Don't worry, we are all there, you are in safe hands" I nodded at him. "I have no doubt."

"How is he? " I enquired standing up. 

"For now he has been transferred to the recovery room, the operation was successful.  Kade is with him and also The UAE sent the best protection for their soon to be King. " 

I sighed in relief. Alhumdulillah (Glory be to Allah)  The weight from my shoulders had lifted.  My husband was alive, My husband was safe, he was recovering.  I was so grateful.

I felt like I could do anything.

That is how I felt. 

Minho handed me brown envelopes. 

"This is proof that you are the heiress of the Edward Empire. 

I smiled. Finally. Now I couldn't turn back. I had a battle to fight for. And it was completely worth.

" Watch the screen, you will know when to come in."

I nodded as Minho walked out of the room.

I gazed at the screen as people started to settle around the giant table. When it looked like everyone we had invited had appeared there was a commotion and my uncle strolled in with a smirk on his face. My heart sank. What was he doing here? How did he know?

One of the guards entered my room to check on me. Seeing I was safe he whispered into the gadget in his hand and stood behind me.
"What is he doing here?" I asked him.

"We are just as surprised as you mam." Another person entered the room and stood behind me. Truthfully I was afraid. I had suffered a lot in that person's hands. If not him directly but he had ordered others to hurt me more than I could bear. I could never forget nor forgive him. He was nothing but trash in my eyes. A murderer. A person who had killed my parents. A person who deserved to die because there was no humanity inside him. No person who took a humans life had no right to live.

It shook me to the core, how nonchalant he was. How he acted like he was innocent and lived his life in luxury using my parent's money. Blood or no blood. Human beings weren't made to be like that.

Just looking at him made me feel anxiety and break into a cold sweat.

And he looked like he had won a battle.

"I am the biggest shareholder here, why are all of you even here? I know what you are planning- your votes mean nothing."

I started at him in disbelief. He knew everything, he knew all our plans. He hurt Ashar. There was still a spy amongst us. but he didn't know that I had proof about who I was.

I could see Minho on screen and he looked pale. So pale that he looked like he could faint. It was a surprise to all of us. No one knew who the mole was.

"I own the Edward empire, I also hold shares in the Abdullah empire. I would like to be the president. All of those who agree, please raise their hands" He looked so confident.

One by one people started to raise their hands. A total of three. Traitors. How could they change their loyalties so quickly after all that the Abdullah empire had given them?

"You know what, I vote for myself. That's more than 50%. I assign myself..."


I ran out of the little room and entered the meeting room.

"No" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me in surprise.

"This person cannot be the president of the Abdullah empire."

"And who are you to say that young lady?" He mocked looking at Sophia.


" I am Sophia Edwards, Daughter and heir of the Edward empire and the wife of Ashar Abdullah, Daughter in law of the Abdullahs."

They all sat still gazing with wide eyes and Sophia's uncles face looked like the blood had drained from his face.

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