Chapter 3: Genesis

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Ashuradō, Yomi — the largest city in the underworld and home to nearly twelve million demons. Unlike the neglected slums of its sister city Gakidō, this city bustled with constant nightlife as the sounds of traffic and neon lights polluted the atmosphere.

On the outskirts of Ashuradō, a long black limousine drove across the long massive bridge connecting the metropolis to the mainland. On the limo emblazoned in silver was the imperial crest of a foreign power. The Empire of Nirvana, home of the Shinigami race; guardians of humanity.

"We're approaching Ashuradō, sir." The driver said to the figure in the back, never taking his eyes off the road.

The man in the back of the limousine looked to be in his early thirties. His ruffled white hair was offset with black at the strands, like a calligraphy brush tipped in fresh ink. As the automobile passed down the seemingly endless street lamps, the man's eyes were slightly illuminated. They were black as pitch, with barely any white in them whatsoever. The only thing that glimmered in the dim yellow light were the man's pale blue irises, slit not unlike a cat's.

"It's about time. I presume His Majesty is ready for our arrival?"

The driver nodded silently, all had been set and the time for their meeting was at hand.

"Wonderful! I'm pleased the Emperor is wise enough not to keep a shinigami waiting."

The limousine passed through the checkpoint unhindered as several other matching limos followed behind. They made a few more turns through the city until reaching a clearing in the middle of Ashuradō. Several trees and a pond decorated the tranquil atmosphere as the shinigami made their way to the imperial palace of Yomi.

Meanwhile, the emperor and several of his bodyguards were waiting in the imperial throne room for their expected guests. To say the room was gargantuan would be a gross understatement. Numerous pillars made of the finest polished ebony marble lined the throne room on each respective side, reaching towards the domed ceiling. Frescoes decorated the ceiling, ones that originated back since time immemorial.

"Majesty..." Spoke a woman clad in black and white leather armor, her periwinkle hair highlighted by the torches in the room.

"What troubles you, Kirin?" The Emperor replied, in a frail and wizened voice.

Kirin tightened her grip on the spear, her palms warming the cold metal shaft. She distrusted the shinigami, an inkling kept rattling inside her brain.

"I just think... perhaps we should have one of the Jikininki present for this meeting."

The Emperor cracked a dry smile and looked to his left at the young bodyguard.

"You think us too ill-prepared, do you? I suppose Lord Nergal could provide us some extra manpower —" the Emperor said, sending one of his guards to request additional men.

"Forgive my impudence, your Majesty. I just value your safety above all else..."

-There's only so much we can do. Myself and eight other guards here. Am I just being paranoid?

Signaling her to come over, the Emperor placed his hand upon her arm. Kirin let a surprised gasp escape her lips.

"Value yourself above all else, young lady" He snickered, placing his hand back on his throne.

"I appreciate your concern though. Still, I see how The Council of Princes keep eyeing me; waiting upon me hand and foot. Probably waiting for me to drop dead most likely, heh. Not often a demon dies of old age! Unfortunately for them this old man still has some fight in him."

Canticle: Code CaligulaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora