Chapter 14: Know Your Place, Part 1

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Ashuradō Hospital, Yomi — this is where Kirin had been transferred to after the attack on the emperor. Her wounds were severe and she was dying quickly. Paramedics and reinforcements arrived swiftly, but were too late to save Orochi's life. They tried desperately to protect as many as they could have, healing those still clinging to life.

Kirin was lucky enough to be rescued. She had been put into a medically-induced coma, giving her time to recover as quickly as possible. Her eyes fluttered open, as if she was waking up from a good night's rest. She heard muddled voices, speaking her name and assessing her condition. They were unimportant to her. Kirin leaned up to get out of the hospital bed, but a sharp pain ached on her right side. She clutched the bandages that were swathed over her wounds where Sierro's magic had pierced her body.

"Miss Kirin! Please, you aren't fully healed yet," a man's voice rang out.

She leaned back down onto the bed. The pain felt like she had performed several hundred crunches all at once. Luckily it wasn't nearly as bad as when she had been shot. The pain was so unbearable, she couldn't even remember what it felt like. Her eyes focused on the man that had been speaking as her senses returned.

"How long have I been out..." Kirin asked, her mind still somewhat groggy.

A nurse walked over to Kirin's side, changing her IV bag. She was most likely administering painkillers now that Kirin was conscious once again.

"A full week."

"Dammit... What about the others, where are they?"

"Miss Kirin... I'm terribly sorry to inform you, but the emperor has died. You were the only survivor."

A flash of memory rushed over her after hearing the words. The images of Sierro executing Orochi played through her mind like a morbid film, over and over again. A pit of sorrowful emptiness spread throughout her core.

"I... remember now. I-I tried my best to save His Majesty— I mean..."

"We know you did, ma'am. You're actually scheduled to receive a few medals after you're released for your bravery."

—Medals... like I give a shit. I don't need a chunk of metal as a constant reminder of my failure!

"Who was made emperor, then?" Kirin said with little emotion to her voice.

"His Majesty, Emperor Mara is Orochi's successor now. After his coronation, the Emperor brought that bastard shinigami out on live television and executed him! It was a spectacle."

—Mara? I've heard of him... At least he has conviction. That bastard Sierro is dead too... I'll have to thank him personally.

"We'll run some tests later, Miss Kirin. For now though, you have a few visitors. I'll let you have some time alone," the doctor said with a warm smile, the creases underneath his eyes crinkling slightly.

Kirin nodded as the doctor and his nurse left the room, leaving the sliding door open as four women walked into her room in single file. The lined up perfectly like a drill team before bowing towards her in unison.

"Ma'am! We're pleased to serve you!" the four women said in unison.

"Who are you? I'm pleased to meet you as well, but clearly I've been out of the loop," Kirin said.

All four women were dressed in identical black bodysuits, thigh-length combat boots and gloves that stretched up to conceal their entire arms. Above their left breast was a small pin bearing the crest of the Empire.

"We are all Yūrei-class soldiers. Emperor Mara has made you our captain. He said you were the best of the best and deserved to be recognized for your service, ma'am," the woman said. She had mint green hair and dark skin with a small, petite face.

Kirin had heard of the Yūrei. They were a special rank given to Odokuro who were recognized by the Empire for their talents and given special military training. Only women could become Yūrei-class soldiers and Kirin herself often considered becoming one before she chose to work as an imperial bodyguard.

"I'm... I'm honored that Mara, I mean— His Majesty... would give me such an honor," she said, her mind swimming with the surplus of news.

The woman with the mint green hair nodded with a smile.

"My name is Nian," she said, giving a firmly stated introduction.

The three others perked up. One had a beaming smile with rectangular glasses and brown hair tied in two short braids. The next had relaxed eyes and a lazy smile, her long curly blonde hair cascading off her shoulders. Finally the last had medium-length silver hair and at first glance had the appearance of a young teenager. Her hair was tied back in a crown braid that complemented the bangs that hung down on each side of her face.

"I'm Yali! Nice to meet you, ma'am," said the bespectacled girl.

"Hi there, my name is Haetae~" said the girl with the lazy smile, her tone so relaxed she sounded tranquilized.

"Ma'am! Shisa, reporting for duty!" the youthful one with the crown braid beamed.

Kirin memorized their faces and the names associated with them. They all seemed so nice and well-mannered. She could feel their warmth slowly filling the void left behind from her past failure.

"M-My name is Kirin, as you know. I'm happy to be your captain, ladies," Kirin said with a smile, her cheeks slightly flushed pink.

Nian came around to Kirin's bedside, handing her a pin identical to the one the others were wearing.

"From this day forward you're one of us, ma'am. His Majesty has classified our unit to be named henceforth Onryō Squadron," Nian said, watching Kirin's slender fingers curl around the pin.

Kirin felt the cold metal slowly turn warm from the heat of her palm.

This is it then... I won't let this second chance at life go to waste.

Canticle: Code CaligulaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora