Chapter 52: Ruin in Extravagance, Part 3

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Dōtonbori, Osaka — 9:50pm. Kishin had long finished his meeting with Zenkibō, taking the dossier given to flip through. Sure enough, the information listed detailed how a human teenager had contracted two Poachers from Goetia. For what reasons remained unknown, as did the human girl's identity or what school she frequented. From the information Kishin already had, the killings took place in the city of Ema and only consisted of female students. Yet, they weren't exclusive to a single school.

All he had to do was narrow down which school the killer belonged to and he could begin tracking down the girl. The fight Mura had with Shuten happened at Sekien Academy, but that wasn't concrete evidence the killer attended that school. Pushing the matter into the back of his mind for the timebeing, Kishin had spent the last few hours mulling over the local nightlife establishments that were littered throughout the dense city.

Zenkibō was kind enough to procure the data, but with little leads to go on other than he was searching for a cabaret, the hunt was starting off slow. The lights in the city had become even more glaring and obnoxious now that the sun had set. People in varying attire and body types walked alongside Kishin as he made his way towards the first establishment on his list, a cabaret named SQUARE-Royal.

The nightclub was located down the busy streets, to the left before reaching a small bridge crossing over the location's famous canal. Holograms of sultry women blowing kisses and inviting people inside were stationed outside the building. From what Kishin could gather, the cabaret had an android theme. It was perfect for those who had a fetish for the lifelike robots, all dolled up in kinky attire and alluring designs.

Activating his true sight, his vision shifted to encompass the supernatural. Taking time to mask his Tamashiryoku levels, he walked inside the club and prepared himself.

The inside of the establishment was lined in a metallic black, from the walls to the ceilings. It gave off a sleek, clean look that was complimented by an illuminated white floor and electric sconces that were hung about. The bass from music blaring within reverberated within Kishin's chest as he peeked about, ignoring the employees at the front desk.

There was a couple of yokai hanging around the joint, taking advantage of their incorporeal state to enjoy a free show. This would be his tell if the place was governed by otherworldly influence.

Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, android entertainers walked the floor and sat with customers, entertaining them with programmed laughs and smiles.

—I can't just up and ask anyone here for information. Grafters are skilled at blendin' into human society. If that's really what I'm lookin' for, I'll have to catch their lackeys off-guard instead. Other way around would be like findin' a needle in a haystack.

One of the employees spotted Kishin trying to look inside the VIP area and called out to him.

"Excuse me sir, but is there anything I can help you with?" she asked the demon, still sporting his sunglasses even at night.

Kishin in turn played up his acting skills and turned to the woman with a drunken sway.

"Heeeeeey yes! You can do somethin' for me, h-hon!" he chuckled with a slight slur. "Bar hoppin' around town with my boys until I got here... n-now I need somethin' stronger! Y-You got anythin' like that here?" Kishin said, pulling out a clip of several thousand Japanese yen.

—Let's see if they take advantage of an inebriated yet stacked man.

The employee looked nervous, believing that Kishin was a drunken yakuza by his garb and flashing of riches.

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