Chapter 15: Know Your Place, Part 2

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The Deepcut, Ashuradō — Two months later. The Deepcut was the most powerful and respected guild in Yomi; originally established by the second emperor, Azazel the Great. For countless millennia, the building was home to numerous heroes and mercenary alike. The latest additions to the building's hallowed walls were Mura and Lilith.

Over the past two months, both of them learned the rules and regulations of the guild. The duo were initially excited to begin taking on contracts, however Naraka had forbid it until they were ready. Mura and Naraka mostly spared for those several weeks, with Mura learning the basics of swordsmanship, training with unconventional weapons and how to care for and clean his equipment.

The training was spartan, but Mura remained steadfast. Despite there being much more to teach as Mura had only learned the basics, he was finally allowed to take on small-time contracts by his mentor.

Currently, it was midday as the black sun of Yomi slowly settled down over the horizon. Mura and Lilith walked up the multiple stone steps that led up to the Deepcut; where the building looked out over the city of Ashuradō atop its mountainous home. Mura had a large burlap sack slung over his shoulder. Within the contents of the bag were numerous deceased luskrats, a type of rodent known for their large size and poisonous bite.

"That bag freaking stinks! Ugh, remind me why we wanted to take on contracts again?" Lilith groaned, her legs exhausted from climbing the stairs.

"Trust me, imagine carrying this thing around the whole time! It's no picnic, I assure you." Mura replied, his voice altered slightly from breathing through his mouth.

"Hunting vermin... Where are we, in a video game tutorial? We're never doing a luskrat contract again, Mura. Not even for a hundred-bazillion sols!"

"Bazillion isn't even a number but I agree," Mura panted.

They had chased the pests down initially after accepting a contract regarding the infestation of a local tavern. Killing them wasn't easy. Mura had to quickly chase after and dispatch them with his spear, as Naraka had forbid him from using magic for the contract as it would have been too easy.

At least I got Lilith all grossed out after crushing that one with my boot, heheh.

Mura and Lilith approached the large circular building at the top of the stairs. It looked quite noble against the sunset.

—I still can't believe I'm climbing the same steps Tiamat and Naraka did during their careers... It's incredible.

"Finally! It's great to be back home, I swear I'm crashing as soon as we get to our quarters," Lilith cried out with an ecstatic look on her face.

"You need to work out more, maybe Naraka should be training you?" Mura laughed before Lilith punched him in the side, blushing with her cheeks puffed slightly.

Mura walked to the gates of the Deepcut and took a right, going up to the small outpost where Odokuro like himself dropped off their bounties. There were already a heap of other deceased bounties dropped off near the outpost. They were all humanoid with caved-in bodies, heads and blackened veins.

He ignored these to the best of his ability and looked at the officer manning the outpost, dropping his burlap sack onto the counter with a wet thump.

"Here you are, good sir! One sack of luskrats!" Mura said.

"We got them just for you!" Lilith chimed in sarcastically.

The officer looked at the sack and held his nose, giving a disgusted look.

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