Chapter 48: Stained

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Naraka's Palace, Endless Plains — The next day. Yatagarasu stood perched by its master's side, tilting its head and blinking at Naraka while he sat in his foyer. A bowl of fish pottage sat cooling on the table in front of him. It was a food he often ate as a boy in the countryside. Back then, the meat was poor and scarce. A few herbs and thin vegetables were added to the stock for substance. His grandmother always made sure to give him two bowls in the winter, to help warm him after a long day of toiling with chores.

Nostalgia flooded back into his mind whenever he tasted it. It was peasant food, but still remained his first choice when presented with the vast wealth of delicacies he could choose now.

"Can't believe I'm almost one-thousand years old, Yata... Heavens, I'm old," Naraka laughed. His feathered friend squawked back in reply.

Taking an ornate pair of chopsticks in hand, he pinched a slice of fish and veggies between the utensils. With expertise and grace, he swiftly brought the sticks to his mouth and blew lightly on the morsels before eating them.

Naraka had been so focused on his memories that he nearly tuned out the television he had on in front of him. It was a large widescreen, displaying the image of a woman in a white suit while a band cued her in. The station was tuned to a late-night show from the previous evening, which Naraka had looked into upon a tip from Hurr Nidar. Clutching onto a microphone in hand, the suited woman looked into the camera with an experienced gleam in her eyes.

"Hello and welcome back, I'm Barb Baylock. Tonight, we have a special guest on the show! Coming all the way down from the imperial palace, it's none other than the acclaimed hero and a distinguished member of our brave men and women out there in service to the Empire. Please, give a warm round-of-applause to Sinblazerrrrr Grendel!!"

The show's band burst out into an introduction riff of horns and drums as Grendel walked onto the stage from behind a curtain. Naraka chewed as his eyes focused on the screen and Yatagarasu squawked.

The Jikininki waved to the audience, his usual attire stripped away for a more modest suit of olive green with a black and gold tie. Naraka panned his gaze down to Grendel's feet, noticing he was wearing open-toed loafers.

—He can't even be bothered to wear normal shoes for such an occasion...

Grendel made his way over to the plush seat situated next to Barb's desk. Before reaching his destination, he spun on his heels and positioned his hands over to a few ladies offscreen in a finger-gun motion. With a wink, he sat down as the crescendo of music flared out.

"What an entrance!" Barb declared with a rehearsed laugh.

The audience began to clap and cheer afterwards, initiating a mock bow from Grendel in his seat.

"Thank you, thank you, haha! You know, I spent all night going over that one in my room," he said with a calm, relaxed air about him.

With boisterous laughter, the crowd before him ate it up and laughed for a solid four seconds. Grendel smiled and crossed one leg over the other.

"But really, it's very nice to be here tonight! You're looking lovely as ever, Barb."

Barb laughed slightly at the remark.

"Why, thank you!" she said to the audience before turning back to Grendel. "You know, I'm recently single," Baylock joked.

Grendel laughed as the audience began to woo over the comment.

"I'm flattered, thank you. But my heart will always belong to every one of my wonderful fans!" he said, buttering up the viewers. "That's right, every one of you out there!"

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