Chapter 44: Justice For All, Part 3

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Mura materialized in an entirely different room, one which he had never seen before. He was still within DIS Prison, but judging by the more open interior he assumed it was a transfer area. The area around him looked like an underground bunker, with concrete walls, floors and a matching ceiling above. It almost reminded him of a parking garage, but with several armed guards placed strategically about.

Restrictive cuffs bound his arms behind his back with magic that immobilized/paralyzed his hands completely. A mouth guard was placed over his lower face, preventing him from opening his jaw. The combo deal on restraints must have been added while he was teleported away from his cell. It was worrying, but at least he could still breathe and swallow. An armed guard approached Mura from behind.

"Like the new look? It's the autumn collection," he laughed sarcastically as a second guard in front of Mura motioned for him to walk forward.

"We've seen all the shit you're able to pull, all the sick things you've done. If there's any justice at all, you'll be executed come sunrise."

Mura gulped and felt his heart begin to race. Everything that had calmed him down during his talks with Crow were coming back full force. Reality began to set in as the possibility of death tumbled around the emptiness of his mind, like a marble in a tin can.

—Why are they treating me like some kind of serial killer?!

The guard jabbed the butt of his rifle into Mura's back, making him stumble forward.

"Move it!!" the guard demanded.

Mura nodded silently and started walking. Around him were several other guards in the bunker-like setting; stationed like soldiers at a castle's gate.

They walked toward a large black armored van as Mura's eyes ran over the signs posted on the walls. He appeared to be in a prisoner transport bay, one of many for an institution this massive. A guard Mura hadn't seen yet stood ready before him, opening the door to the back of the van.

The inside of the van was well lit, with emergency aid kits, a seat for a passenger in the back and several harnesses attached to the walls of the van's interior. There was a bench on each side, with four harnesses on each side. The black belted straps were like something one would see at an amusement park, designed to cross over the chest.

Someone was already strapped into the van, held in place without any form of comfort or movement allowed. This person had on restraints similar to Mura's, yet something was familiar about them. Their hair style and stature, along with a girlish face that Mura could make out anywhere.

It was Lilith, alive but looking rough. She was wearing a white jumpsuit with orange bands around the upper arms, marking her as a Thrall. Her hair was frazzled and clumped into knots from days of poor treatment and hardship.

—Lilith!! Oh my gods, she's still here and alive!!

Mura's eyes widened, but that was the extent of the emotion he could show. Lilith turned to face him, the area under her eyes swollen and red. Her eyebrows turned upwards as she struggled to cry out in vain.

"In the vehicle, inmate. Enjoy the reunion, it'll be the last chance you'll get."

The guard pushed Mura towards the back of the escort van as another guard jumped in the back as well, taking up the role of overseeing the both of them.

Mura stepped onto the lip of the van located underneath the bumper, hoisting himself up into the van with some discoordination throwing him off due to the lack of hands to grab on. The guard within the vehicle had already buckled himself in, still holding an assault rifle. He motioned for the crouching prisoner to take the seat furthest away from Lilith.

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