Chapter 9: Blood and Steel, Part 1

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Over the course of a single day, several dozen contestants who fought bravely in the Zoroaster Tournament were eliminated. One after another, they fell; either from unconsciousness or death. With several of the preliminary matches complete, the victors moved on into the semi-finals.

Mura and Lilith won stylishly time after time, mopping up the competition. They had just finished their match in the semifinals, going up against a warlock named Rubitrix. With a quick, decisive blow to the head Mura bashed him over the head with the blunt end of his spear. By this point, the spear was nicked and worn out from the previous battles they had faced. Mura was slightly superstitious, not wanting to replace the spear on account of it bringing him good luck.

—Luckily the strongest opponent we faced this far was ironically our first, that Paimon guy.

"There you have it, everybody! Mura and Lilith win! The unlikely duo will go on to fight in the final match! Be there tomorrow morning to witness this fabulous event!" Dagon Jinn shouted out as the audience chanted Mura's name in an echoing rhythm.

Lilith unfused from Mura's body in a flash of light, appearing by his side as he pumped his fist in the air. She wished the audience would include her too. But she also reasoned that Mura did most of the work, so she brushed it off. Lilith put her hand up and looked at Mura, performing a fist bump before beginning their walk to the contestant's lounge.

The warlock Rubitrix groggily got up onto his knees after regaining consciousness.

"N-No! You can't stop the match now! I can still fight, see?"

Rubitrix picked up his enchanted staff, made of study blackened oak. A human soul resided within the staff, allowing it to be used as a Thrall. To prove his point, Rubitrix fused once more with his staff as his eyes began to glow.

"I can't afford to lose! How will pay back my debts without that money?!" Rubitrix screamed out at Mura, causing both him and Lilith to turn around confused.

The audience grew angry as their cheers turned into loud booing. Dagon chuckled through his microphone at the magician.

"Sorry pal, that's the rules. You lost, now get lost," he stated, pressing a button to call for security. A small squadron of magic-wielding guards riding in levitating devices teleported within the arena.

"Desist immediately! Unfuse from your Thrall at once!" One of the guards said, his voice thunderous and intimidating.

Mura gripped Lilith's hand tightly and led her back into the protection of the alcove within the stadium, near the additional weapons. Within the alcove were two executives, speaking nervously into their headsets.

Rubitrix refused. He yelled out the incantation of a spell, ignoring the guards. Before he could complete the spell, the guard yelled out an incantation of his own.

"Jigadō Number Fifty: Repulsion!" The guard shouted as a powerful gust of wind hit Rubitrix. The moment the force hit Rubitrix, his staff instantaneously and forcibly unfused from his body and spiraled out into the dirt.

Now unarmed, Rubitrix looked around trying to find his staff. Before he had a chance to orient himself, the guards released several magical blasts at the warlock in unison. Rubitrix shielded himself in vain with his arms before the blasts made contact, reducing him to dust.

"Now that was a fitting conclusion if I ever saw one! Let's give it up for the brave men and women of Yomi's Police Agency everybody!" Dagon enthusiastically shrieked.

The crowd applauded, clapping as the guards bowed and teleported away.

"For anyone wanting a unique souvenir, Rubitrix's staff will now be available to purchase at the gift shop later this evening!" Dagon said cheekily.

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