Chapter 27: That Long Summer Night, Part 3

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Sekien Academy, Ema — 6:40 pm. The prestigious halls of the school were empty. The only sounds that emitted were from Mura and Lilith's footsteps. The yokai twirled around the corridors, completely carefree and jovial while her friend searched for the location they desired.

"Stop spinning around, will you? We don't need anyone hearing you," Mura whispered.

"Well we already know they can't see or hear me unless I want them to! That's pretty good, right? You on the other hand are a different story."

Mura sighed, knowing she was correct. He hoped they wouldn't run into any stray teachers or staff, else he'd most likely have to subdue and lock them away until they were found the next morning.

His eyes glazed over various glass display cases, showcasing awards and pieces of artwork created by talented students.

"So humans, they also enjoy displaying their achievements?" he said, trying to make small talk.

"Well, of course! I don't know why you think they wouldn't?"

The reply struck a chord in Mura's mind, causing him to cross his arms while walking forward.

"It was just something Mara brought up when I met with him," Mura admitted.

"What happened in there? I'm still pissed off that I couldn't come in, you know how long I had to wait for my hair to get that pretty??"

"Yeah, I feel you. The emperor just going on about how much he hates humans... It's kind of odd, you know? I've been thinking about it for some time now..."

Lilith stopped in her tracks, allowing herself to fall behind Mura.

"What's odd, Mura?"

Mura stopped as well, reaching a campus directory sign and leaning against it.

"All of his speeches on TV, they're all about the shinigami and how they're a menace... But when I actually met with him, he barely mentioned them. It was just about humans and humanity... How they infiltrated and defiled demon culture and the people. Even referred to humans as a cancer."

"What the hell... His Majesty's a dick and a xenophobe." Lilith said angrily.

"Yeah I know, but watch it. I don't know if Kirin has surveillance in here or something," Mura spoke in a whisper. "Anyways, it's nothing. The nurse's office should be right down this way, according to the map."

The duo continued onwards, taking a right down the hall.

"So you're sure they have spare clothes in the nurse's place?" Mura asked.

"Of course! They did back in my day and that was just four years ago! They always keep spares in case something happens, like someone pissing themselves," Lilith laughed.

Mura chuckled along with her at the thought. The conversation and silence of their surroundings was nice to him, as they rarely had a moment to relax lately.

"Hey Lilith, you remembering anything so far about your past life? Maybe... anything about school life?"

She pondered for a moment, looking up in thought.

"I do... sorta. I remember the dirty shop we went to, talking with friends back then about what they might have had in there. Ooh, I also remember walking to school every day with one girl—"

Lilith stopped in her tracks, gasping as if someone punched her in the throat.

"You okay, buddy? Lilith??" Mura asked in a serious tone, looking at her and then around at his surroundings for a possible attack.

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