Chapter 10: Blood and Steel, Part 2

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It was a few minutes after their talk that Lilith's stomach began to growl

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It was a few minutes after their talk that Lilith's stomach began to growl. Mura got up, fixing them some dinner from the new trays of food that was left out from when they had been fighting. He got Lilith some Korean-styled barbecue. The meat, made from the famous beef on the Isles of Letho, was luxuriously seared to perfection. Despite being home to pirates and sea raiders, they raised some damn good cattle.

"The match is gonna start soon, we just gotta wait through a few more commercials." Mura said, handing her a plate with a mountain of delicacies placed on top. She graciously accepted and began stuffing her face like it was from heaven itself.

After swallowing with a loud gulp, Lilith shot Mura a scowl.

"Wait just a second! You can't expect me to tell you my life story and not return the favor! Story, now!" She demanded.

Mura chuckled, nodding to her request. She still had the personality of a teenager it seemed.

"Alright, so... Let's see here." Mura pondered, taking a sip of foamy ale from a wooden flagon before continuing.

"So, lemme just say that I can easily identify with your situation."

Lilith looked at him quizzically. "How so?"

"I also don't know where my true place is. I'm an orphan, always have been."

"You don't have a mom or dad?"

"Well, I must have at some point. But now? Nope."

"Geez... That must really suck." Lilith said softly.

"Hey, it's okay. The thing that actually sucks is being left on the streets as a baby. A band of thieves led by this demon named Belial found me and took me in. They raised me; taught me how to fight, survive and steal."

Lilith looked at him wide-eyed. "That's horrible!"

"It was and is still. He wasn't the best father, but I proved good at the life of a criminal. Never even had a bounty in my life, no one ever caught me."

Mura paused to take another drink.

"Still, in Belial's outfit we all have to tithe a percentage of our earnings to him. In return he keeps us safe, fed and so on. I guess I proved to be better than the others... Raked in more cash than anyone else, even people that've been working the gig since day one."

"Well... That's a good thing, right? Did you get a promotion?" Lilith asked innocently.

"Nah, sadly not. Instead, Belial basically enslaved me. I wanted to leave the band, go out on my own and live an honest life. To him though, that would mean giving up his biggest source of revenue."

"What a freaking asshole! I'll kill him." Lilith replied angrily.

Mura laughed loudly, making sure not to spill his drink on accident.

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