Chapter 31: That Long Summer Night, Part 7

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Kokuana Forest, Ema — 9:00 pm. Tomoe held her fists positioned in front of her face. She just had to remember her training, nothing else. Junko's death still weighed heavily on her soul, but rather than impeding her emotions and decisions it fueled her determination.

For so many nights she had laid awake in her bed; staring with unblinking eyes at the ceiling. Numerous scenarios ran through her mind like a television endlessly flipping from one channel to the next. What would she do to the scum that took her away? What would she say to her best friend upon meeting again face-to-face?

Tomoe was positive the answers would snap directly into her muddled brain the moment the mystery was solved. Yet, there was no crystal clear solution. No storybook happy ending where they'd go to school the next day like nothing happened. The only reality she knew at that second was survival and vengeance.

"That purple mist he's emitting is probably tied to his ability Tomoe," Mura said while eyeing the obese Shitidama. "If you're gonna help, don't get too close—"

The orange-haired human was already running towards the sentient mountain of flesh; it having already gnawed the digits from its scorched hand. Meanwhile, Mura and Lilith raced off to fight Hakanohi, the fire demon which lumbered towards them.

Tomoe took a deep breath as she approached the violet fog. Her fighting gloves were strapped tight as the material gently gripped her skin. Adrenaline surged as she passed through the thick mist, taking the first steps towards its source.

"Is human trying to kill Baku?" the Shitidama curiously asked. "Human can't do anything! Good for nothing but a tasty meal!"

Tomoe ignored the beast's barely-intellectual statements as Baku happily slapped his sore-infested gut. Winding her arm back, she ran up to the monster's stomach and plunged her fist into it. Her knuckles sank into the Shitidama's belly; the fatty flesh rippling from the impact as if she had punched a tub of gelatin.

Her lungs were beginning to ache from the lack of air. With her forearm now sinking into Baku's stomach, she withdrew it with a wet plop. A sheen of bodily oils coated her exposed skin, generating bile at the back of Tomoe's throat.

—As I thought, I can't reach its bones through all that fat.

Tomoe looked up at his bald head, resembling a caterpillar's upon closer inspection. His sunken in eyes were more like black pits with yellow dots looming down on her. Baku laughed childishly, swinging his powerful arms at her. Tomoe swiftly dodged the slow-moving strikes, backing away from him in the process.

She had to breathe, the pain was becoming too much. By now, the mist was spreading too far to run out of for a quick intake of fresh air. A few meters away, Tomoe took off her red beanie hat and held it over her face. The thick woven material would provide a decent enough filter for the time being. Pressing it firmly over her nose and mouth, she exhaled at last. Relief flooded over the girl as she quickly took another breath and held it.

From just that one intake her mind began to flutter along with her eyelids. It felt like she had just inhaled a direct dosage of anesthesia. Slipping the hat into her pocket, she resumed her stance to take on the monster for another round. Looking up, all that she could see was the vapors of the magical smoke.

—The hell? It was right in front of me!

The hairs of the back of Tomoe's neck stood on end as she heard a reverberating chuckle from behind her.


Tomoe dived and rolled ahead of where she was standing. As she leapt forward, she felt Baku's arm barely miss her. A second later and she would have been a goner.

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