Chapter 42: Justice For All, Part 1

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Seated within the cubed holding cell, Mura squirmed against the shackles. He gazed at Kishin through the magical barrier with disinterest, having expected the likes of his master to be here and not some psychopath.

"Oi! How ya doin' there, Mura??" Kishin crooned, his eyes narrowing into an intrigued glare.


"Hey now, don't be like that, Mura!" he said feigning hurt in his voice. "Your Thrall, your teacher?? They ain't here takin' time outta their lovely day to see your bright and shinin' mug!"

Kishin's expression shifted once again, this time towards anger as he slammed his fist down on the shimmering barrier between them. It flickered and rippled, but remained ultimately unphased just as Mura was currently.

"How do you expect me to feel? I'm chained up, convicted for something I tried to do for the betterment of a single girl... might even die for it."

"So? Was it not worth it, then?" Kishin asked bluntly.

"What do you mean?"

"You gave away pretty much everything you had goin' for ya; so I'd imagine with a decision that drastic, it'd be somethin' worth your while. Somethin' potentially worth buyin' the farm for. If it wasn't, then I'd say you'd have to be pretty goddamn stupid."

Kishin leaned in towards Mura, as close as he could before reaching the sheet of magic separating them.

"But from what I've seen from ya already, you're probably the smartest outta all of us," Kishin said in a calmer tone.

Mura was surprised by how Kishin treated him. He was definitely not as bad as Grendel, per say. But he still expected Kishin to be up there, especially with how his reputation built him up.

"Why are you so interested in me, Kishin?" Mura asked somberly.

"Why?! Well, that's like asking why dogs rotate in little circles before lyin' down! No clue why the tiny guys do that shit, but whenever you see it, it makes ya stop for a second and think as you watch 'em."

Tapping on the barrier right in front of the imprisoned demon's forehead, he sat back down and crossed his legs with a grin.

"And you, Mura? You're makin' such an awfully large circle, yet refusin' to lie down. It was just a while ago that I thought you'd piss yourself like a little bitch whenever you saw me. But now I see you're capable of running with the big boys."

"Thanks... I suppose," Mura smiled slightly.

"Attaboy!" Kishin chuckled. "Now listen, here's the skinny. Take it from me, since I'm kind of a pro at getting convicted."

Mura's interest was more piqued. Is this why the infamous Golden Devil of Yomi came to visit?

"You screwed up. Badly. Like, really badly. So badly, in fact, that'cha might just wish for death in the end. But no worries!"

"What do you mean? What do they have planned?"

"Well for starters, you're outta the Jikininki. Kiss that shit goodbye, because the folks in charge are already eyeballing that captain as your replacement."

—Does he mean Kirin?? I probably shouldn't push my luck in trying to ask.

"Second off, if they convict ya, well... You'll either be executed or exiled."


"Crazy, right?? But trust me, that's better than banishment in my humble opinion."

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