Chapter 46: Judgement: The Verdict Revealed!

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Mura stood as Judge Nidar read out the verdict. Hot tears started to roll down his face, pooling against the mask secured against him.

"I hereby find the defendant, Mura of Gakidō, guilty of treason against the Empire of Yomi."

Nergal crossed his arms, the corners of his mouth crinkling as if fighting off the urge to laugh. Naraka acted taken aback, showing a brief look of defeat on his face just as he had rehearsed.

"In the light of the Defense's testimony, however, I believe death would be too harsh a fate for you, son. You have betrayed this country and everyone within it. However, you would better serve as a beacon of inspiration to those who would be so easily swayed. You haven't caused any injury or conspiracy to harm or kill His Majesty, so the initial charge of high treason has been lessened."

Kishin's eyes grew wide as he flashed a killer smile. Mura had actually done it. He had cheated death.

"As such, you shall receive the maximum penalty one convicted of treason can endure. I hereby sentence you to permanent exile from the Empire of Yomi and her lands. I revoke your citizenship, your titles, your merits and ownership to all possessions, favors and services given to you by the Empire and her affiliates. You will be banished to the mortal realm of Nakatsukuni, where you shall live among the humans you have chosen to ally yourself with."

The words stung Naraka's heart, despite knowing that it was coming. Even though this was the best possible outcome, it pained him to hear the punishments laid upon his student.

"Lastly, I revoke your power. You shall be forever marked with the Anima Stain: an eternal brand on your condemned soul. Never again will you wield magic, nor will it course through your veins," Nidar stated before banging his gavel.

Nergal's expression turned slightly, losing its jubilant aura. He accepted that while death wouldn't befall Mura today, it would eventually. This just made it all the more easier.

"Don't think you've won, Naraka," Nergal said with scorn, refusing to look at his opponent.

"I don't, in fact. I believe we've all lost something today, Minister."

Naraka's voice was cold, still resentful that matters had come to this.

Mura meanwhile had his mind racing laps. How could he possibly revoke magic? He'd never see his homeland again, nor would he be able to see Naraka again either. Would he even be able to see Lilith? Thoughts of hopelessness and futility muddled his thinking. He didn't even know what this Anima Stain thing was and from the looks of it, chances were the thing wasn't removable.

He turned to face Lilith, who looked up at him in shock. She was just as confused and anxious as he was, likely more so. As if reading his thoughts, Naraka placed a hand on Mura's shoulder.

"I've done everything I can for you. Since Lilith was legally defined as 'property' of yours, she is considered free from her contract as your Thrall."

Naraka looked past Mura to lock his eyes onto the yokai.

"You may share his burden if you so wish. Or you may leave. That decision is yours to make, Lilith."

Lilith's expression turned to one of fierce determination. She nodded with an audible muffled noise, solidifying her stance on the matter. Mura turned to her and shook his head in protest. So they could talk, Naraka unfastened the masks of the convicted duo and tossed them onto the table.

"You can't!!" Mura said between intakes of fresh oxygen.

"Hell if I can't! Anything you're taking on, I'll take on too! We're in this together!"

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