Chapter 40: Wishes of an Ant, Part 7

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Hangaku let Mura's words sink in. Her thoughts tumbled over them, not certain what to think.

"You're... the furthest thing from a god? What are you then, just a priest?" she said, not truly understanding.

"I'm a demon. You know what those are, don't you?" Mura said, leaning against the doorframe of the building.

"A... demon? B-But that's not possible..." Hangaku stuttered, scooting back from his direction.

"Why? Is it because you humans only believe demons are capable of evil and wickedness?" Mura said bitterly. "I've done my research, seen things since I've been here. My race is despised and feared throughout the myths and beliefs of mankind..."

Hangaku looked up at Mura, too scared to say anything.

"You wanna know something? The original reason I was sent here was to murder you. To strike you down simply because my superiors had you pegged as a witch."

"W-Witch?! N-No, please d-don't kill me!" Hangaku whimpered.

"If I was going to kill you, I wouldn't have spent the last few days trying to figure out a way to get that shit outta your soul," Mura sighed, looking out at the moon. "In fact, I might have just thrown away everything to save your life."

"W-Why? I don't understand... I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean for any of this to happen..."

Hangaku began to sniffle as tears welled up in her eyes. Lilith glared at Mura, punching his arm. As he recoiled slightly, she shot him a look that made the demon realize his mistake.

"No, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to guilt-trip you or anything. It's just... a lot has been on my mind lately. The last few months have been a rollercoaster for me."

Mura slumped down onto the cold ground.

"I don't know what to believe anymore..." he said softly. "At this point, all I can tell myself is that saving a life can't be all bad, right? It's all I can really go off of."

He smiled lightly, reaching over to the shiny Jikininki pin attached to his coat's lapel. With a firm tug, he plucked it off and held the small piece of precious metal in his hand.

"This pin here, Hangaku? I risked my life... I risked the life of my best friend to just to get it. I killed a man to get to this point right now. Thousands of people would give anything to be where I am right now... I thought by being a killer, I could solve all of my problems. But... I think I realize now that taking a life could never amount to the importance of saving one."

Lilith's eyes widened. She shot her arm out, clamping her hand onto Mura's shoulder.

"Mura, wait! Are you sure—"

He looked over at his best friend, placing his hand atop hers.

"Take this," the demon said softly, placing the pin into her warm palm. "Sell it, you'll be able to get that money you needed. I'll ask Naraka to help you in finding the secrets to your past, just in case anything happens to me."

Lilith blinked once, her mouth falling open slightly in shock. She wound back and with every amount of strength she could muster, slapped Mura across the face.

"What the hell is your problem, you asshole?! You can't just give up, like they're gonna execute you for not killing this girl!! After everything I've been through with you, the fights we endured; you're just gonna give up and tell me to continue on without you?! You stupid idiot!!"

Tears rolled down Lilith's cheeks as she pounded Mura's unmoving chest. He didn't want to give up, to admit defeat. But he knew in the off-chance something did happen to him, she'd be taken in as well.

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