Chapter 16: Black Branches

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The Endless Plains, Yomi — Sometime later that same night. Mura and Lilith found themselves walking alongside Naraka to his home. They had never been to this area of Yomi before, as previously Mura had been trained over the past two months at a private dojo.

These were the Endless Plains, a vast series of hills that seemingly stretched for eternity. Nearly every speck of land was covered by large, luxurious mansions and abodes that housed either the incredibly famous, rich elite or both. The atmosphere was humid and oddly serene.

Lilith's mouth was hanging wide in awe at the marvels that were laid out before her.

"The buildings are enchanted, aren't they?" Mura questioned, more reserved in his amazement.

"That's correct! "These lands are enchanted you know. Every home you see here was built by the artisan and architect Demiurge, arguably the greatest to have ever lived," Naraka said to the two students that trailed behind him.

"I can see you're learning to better sense the magical energy that objects and places give off. At least some of my training is paying off."

Mura didn't say anything, simply bowing his head with a short smile.

—I'm still such a novice after only two months of training... I didn't even know Behemoth was behind me. He could have easily killed me if he were an active threat.

"It's up this way, come now! Not much farther." Naraka excitedly spoke, beckoning them with his hand.

"Shut up out there! Some of us are trying to sleep, you idiot!" a portly woman in hair curlers shouted from her open second-story window.

Naraka blushed and with a friendly chuckle, he waved apologetically at the woman.

The trio turned left down a private walkway lined with cobblestone and several exquisitely-trimmed trees. There was a large white wall formed around the estate, with the tip of the roof peaking up above the ivory barricade.

"I hope my domicile serves you well," Naraka said, stopping in front of the large square archway that led into his courtyard.

Lilith's mouth dropped even further and Mura's eyes widened. Before them was a large, immaculate Japanese classical-style mansion. It was two stories with a meditation garden, large blooming sakura tree to the left of the front yard and a training dojo to the right. The entirety of the building was a large square topped with hand-crafted shingles and old-fashioned windows.

"This is where you live?! This must have cost a fortune!" Lilith said in a very hushed-yet-loud whisper.

"Well, it was free for myself. The Jikininki along with top government officials receive homes here without having to pay. It just comes with the title," Naraka explained, sparking a little jealousy within Lilith.

Together they walked through the entrance gate of Naraka's mansion towards the right where the dojo was. A warm breeze shifted through the tree leaves as the three removed their shoes before walking barefoot onto the peerless wooden floor. The dojo had no walls, only a wooden ceiling hiding the training area from the night sky above.

"So then, how are you going to help me unlock my Tamashi Genkai, master?" Mura queried.

"It's quite easy, actually. Any fool with a semblance of what he's doing can unlock their Tamashi Genkai. It differs depending on the person and their genetics; for some it comes down to training for weeks on end. Whereas sometimes, a person needs to simply experience magic firsthand to grasp their own hidden potential."

Lilith tilted her head curiously.

"Does that mean I have a Tamashi Genkai too?" she asked Naraka.

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