Chapter Thirty

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"Yes his name is Ayame and although Yuki is very...hostile towards him he really is a nice guy. You should meet him. I'm sure he would love to get acquianted with his little brother's girlfriend. In fact he's-"

"She isn't going anywhere near him. She's never going to even see him nevertheless talk to him."

Shigure chuckled. "See what I mean...Yuki has never been too fond of him."

"That's too bad becuase I love Sethy. He took care of me after my...grandmother died."

Everything became silent as everyone stared at you, sympathy written all over their faces. You gave a sad smile.

"My parents abandoned us a long time ago. Grandma took us in. I'm surprised she lived as long as she did. I miss her. I'm sure she would have loved to meet you all."

Everyone nodded and you felt a bit guilty for ruining the good mood.

"(Name)." You looked up at Yuki who was still holding you. He placed a hand under your chin and pulled you into a chaste kiss. It only lasted a few seconds but it set your face aflame. Especially since two more figures entered the room as he kissed you.

It was Tohru and some guy with extremely long, and white hair. His eyes were a golden color and he grinned at you. Gosh...he just as gorgeous as Yuki.

How could Tohru stand to live around such hotness every single day! Surely someone in their family was hideous...

"Ahh very smooth younger brother." Ayame said with a sly grin.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" Kyo stood up waving a fist at Ayame.

Ayame shrugged. "I see once again common sense escapes you Kyo. I used the door of course."

"Why you!!"

"No violence Kyo. We have a guest." Shigure waved his finger back and forth reprimanding him.

"What are doing here?" Yuki spoke in calm but angry tone. He immedaitely released you and stood glaring at his older brother.

"My darling baby brother. I wish to give guidance on how to treat a woman now that you have experienced such feelings."

"I don't need anything from you."

You were taken back as Ayame was suddenly in the spot where Yuki was a few minutes ago. He was holding your hand and gently kissed it. You found yourself blushing again.

"And she is such a beauty. Please tell me your name. I wish to acquaint myself with my future sister-in-law." He hadn't released your hand only placed his other hand over top it.

"It's (name). You are Ayame, right?"

"Yes! So has Yuki told you about me?"

"No. Actaully it was Shigure."

You watched silently as the two exchanged heated stares.

"Why thank you Shigure."

"It was my pleasure Aya."

"You can sleep in my room tonight, Aya."

"Nonsense Shigure. You would keep me up all night."

Your eyes widened to size of saucers looking back and forth between the two. Such dirty this is where Yuki get his perverted side from!

They stared at each other with pure lust in their eyes for a few seconds before smiling and giving each other a thumbs up. they were joking...?

A sweatdrop appeared behind your head. "Ummm I'm sorry to disappoint you Ayame but I don't think I'm going to be your sister-in-law."

"Oh but I think you are. It would seem that Yuki cannot keep his hands off of you. I assure you the Sohmas will treat you as the princess that you are. Oh I wish I had a camera so I could show Ha'ri!"

There was glint of famaliarity in your eyes with the nickname. Ha'ri? They weren't talking about...nah it couldn't be.

( I am so so so so sorry for SUPER LATE delay!!!! Things have been crazy on my end. Just cant seem to find a stable place to live at...but even though my life is hectic I'm still gonna try to post now while I can. Enjoy the next few chapters.) 

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Where stories live. Discover now