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I've been struggling for months and months,
Finding myself in rut after rut,
I knew I needed help but pride kept me from seeking it,
He sat on my shoulder and had me thinking that,
To ask for help was to be weak,
If I were stronger it wouldn't be something I'd need.

I still struggle with these thoughts, and worries,
They come in flurries,
Snowing down on me,
From the skies up above,
And the cold creeps over covering me like a glove,
And just like old times, I'm paralyzed and numb.

But it's different now,
I sought help,
Her name is Taylor,
She's a nice girl,
A life saver.

She's been helping me the last couple weeks,
Of course I still fall to my knees,
Now and again, I'm still lost, unable to let go,
I'm stuck in depressed mode,
But hopefully she'll help me figure it out.

Last week she gave me an assignment,
To describe an emotion,
I chose the one I was feeling right then,
And got involved in it.

I drew a stick figure me,
With a hole in her chest,
Where her heart was supposed to be,
She was a little scary,
And just under her photo was a caption,
It read;


Jane / Poems

Sad PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now