Ode To The Alcoholic

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For the love of a daughter,

For the love of a daughter...

Every time he drinks I give him a look,

He calls it judgy,

He says I have no right to "belittle" him for it.

I don't tell him that all I did was look. That if he feels like I'm "belittling" him with just my eyes, maybe its because he knows what he is doing is wrong?

For the love of a daughter,

But I do still give him a look.

I shake my head.

I tell him, "You promised."

I never tell him that I actually believed his promise: that I was naive enough, again, to think this time would be any different.

For the love of a daughter,

That bottle of 100 platinum used to be a weekend treat,

Now it is the appetizer, the dinner and the desert of every night.

For the love of a daughter,

At night the words "One more shot" echoes in my nightmares.

For the love of a daughter,

I want to talk to my dad. My dad. Not this man who says the cruelest things. Not this man who would say, "Fuck you" as easily as my father says "I love you."

For the love of a daughter!

Why am I not enough? Why is the vodka more important to him than our relationship?

For the love of a daughter,
How much must I endure to earn the love of a father?


This is a censored version of a lengthy poem I wrote a few nights ago. If you'd like the full version PM me. Thank you for reading my poem, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments! ✌🏻

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