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The walls left unpainted,
The roof left to leak,
The hoarding in the attic,
The things that won't let me sleep.

The screws in the walls,
The stairway that needs vacuumed,
The hallway that needs mudded,
The continuous problems that have long since loomed.

The siding that needs redone,
The dishes that rest in the sink,
The fridge that is so dirty,
The reasons I can't sleep.

The heater that needs fixed,
The drywall that needs hung,
The trim that needs finished,
The dust that fills my lungs.

The many problems and many a more,
The inability for all to unite,
The constant disasters that keep on coming,
That keep me awake at night.

The little messes here and there,
That only seem to bother me,
The bigger ones everywhere,
That refuse to let me sleep.

Jane / poems

Sad PoetryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora