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I'm a poet,
You all know this,
Each line I write is a rhyme,
Though there isn't much reason,
And sometimes little rythm,
But these words are true,
And they are mine.

Sometimes I bog myself down with insecurities,
I worry about disappointing you all,
Though this book only has 18 reads.

I know this is just my depression,
I shouldn't critisize my only expression,
I don't do this for a following, or likes,
I do it to express the feelings that I feel inside.

But still,
Still I worry each time I click 'publish',
It's hard to swallow such a bitter pill,
But I know my poems aren't really things to relish.

Even this one!
I know I may get hate for posting it,
There isn't much structure,
Though with me, there rarely is.

All I can do is speak from my chest,
It won't always be all that good,
But it'll always be my best.

Jane / poems

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