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What would I do without you?
I ponder this while sitting in the waiting room,
Only the waiting room is the couch at home,
Because apparently I'm too young to be at the hospital with you.
What are you going through?
I asked myself this as I laid awake last night,
Unable to close my eyes, because when I did I saw you in a surgery bed,
and sometimes a coffin,
Because I knew that tomorrow, today, you could be dead.
I think to myself now, I couldn't stand another funeral so soon after the last,
If I were to lose you now, I would lose myself, fast,
I never realized how much you mean to me,
How much you've helped me,
What you do for me everyday,
And how you ask for so little in return,
You have let me walk on you, each step I took a burn,
And yet I never stopped and said thank you.
So thank you.
And please, do one last thing for me,
Survive this surgery.

Jane / poems

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