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I've led a very fortunate life. I have a few health problems, my parents divorced, but nothing has ever hit me as hard as this. January 31st 2019, I had my friend brush with death. Not my own, but that of one of the sweetest ladies you could ever be lucky enough to know...

I remember the look in your eyes as you approached me, as I laid in my bed. Tears were in your eyes, your lip trembled. I shoved my blanket aside and stood on weak legs, "What happened?" You couldn't speak. I wrapped my arms around you, fear gripping my heart, and I comforted you as best I could. I knew what had happened before you whispered in a broken voice, "Mom's gone," And my heart broke as if it were my own mother that had died.

That day was filled with many a more tears. Sadness blanketed us as the snow blanketed our yard. And just a day before Imbolc, the Pagan holiday celebrating the coming of life and ending of death. It wasn't fair; It isn't fair. She were the kindest Grandma a granddaughter could ask for. Taken too soon by the carelessness of the man who once swore to honor and cherish her forever. Too soon.

Now, I look back on videos and photos, thinking of all the ways I could've relished in those moments a little longer, a little more. Now, it's too late. She's gone. And I must watch as those she left behind, including myself, suffer through this grotesque truth.

Grandma... where are you now? I won't know until my day has come. But I can only hope, as futile as it is, that the God you used to worship, has simply taken you home.

R.I.P Grandma

Jane / poems

Today is a day I will always remember. One of the hardest days of my life. I've led a fortunate one; but today I lost my first loved one. I awoke to my father coming into my room, tears glistening in his eyes. He was broken, and before I even had time to register my own pain, I broke with him. It's only going to get harder from here. But we will survive it. We have to.

I love you Grandma. And I miss you so.

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