I Apologize

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I apologize for being so hard on all of you...
I apologize for not doing my best...
I apologize for making mistakes...
I apologize for snapping at you...
I apologize for being a mess...
I apologize for being broken...
I apologize for being a failure. For being a disappointment. For living up to every nasty name I've ever been called. For being ugly! For being a bitch! For never getting anything right. I am so sorry that I'm breathing. That I'm a burden.
That I exist.

Each "sorry" adds up. I apologize for everything. Many do. It starts with small things. "I'm sorry you're going through this," and eventually it can turn into "I'm sorry I'm alive". That's what depression and anxiety do to you. They make you feel guilty for breathing. When you go to say sorry, stop yourself and think "Is this my fault?" If the answer isn't a resounding yes, rephrase your sentence. Xox

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