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Today my sister came to me,
The look on her face a sight to see,
I could tell she was saddened by the look in her eyes,
And I could see the questions painted in them, all the "what?"s and "buts" and why?"s.

She told me bitterly that she's been noticing me fading,
I asked her what she meant and she told me "I ain't playing,"
"You used to be so positive, and you always wore blue,
Now your always negative and black is your new blue,
I've noticed how you zone out sometimes,
I no longer recongnize you,
What have you been through?
I've been here through it all, it must be something new,"

I nearly broke right then and there,
Someone has finally caught onto my despair,
Am I happy or am I sadder?
When no one knew, I was much safer,
Here lately I've been madder,
Of course she caught on,
I practically made her!

The worst thing is that she's right,
But I couldn't tell her why,
It'd give her such a fright,
Instead I did the thing that caused all my problems and I looked at her and

I used to be so positive, they wonder what changed?
I don't really know what to say,
I just woke up one day
And realized I've been living a lie,
And ever since then I don't know if I wanna be alive or rather'd die.

I used to paint with colors, and my favorite color was blue,
I used to paint with blood, and black was my new,
I used to be happy, and you noticed, so you said "I miss the old you,"
Well I do too.

But pain changes people, it turned me red,
Now on the outside I'm living and on the inside I'm dead.

Jane / poems

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