Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

I lean against the tree and sigh.

It has been a while since I was last here and the memories are almost overwhelming.

I never planned to see this place again but fate had other ideas.

I push against the tree trunk and straighten.

This tree is the same one I watched those innocent men all that time ago. I can still see their blood staining the ground.

I jump down from the tree and slowly retrace my steps from that day. I stop as I come to the front gates.

The gold kanji that stood proudly above the gate is now faded. Sakkaku, my home sweet home.

I slowly enter the village, fully aware of the crimson stains that now paint the town. The memories of the end of each and every one of their lives play back in slow motion through my head. My stomach turns in knots as the memories become more vivid until it is like it is actually happening all over again. I shut my eyes in an attempt to shut the heinous sights out but it only succeeds in making the visions more real.

“Feeling guilty?”

My eyes flash open.

‘What do you want, Amaya?’


“Oh it’s not what I want but what you want. You want to forget everything don’t you? You want to forget your life up to this point and start over, letting every memory good or bad disappear. Am I wrong?”


‘I’m not sure what I want anymore,’ I think as I walk the familiar streets of my home town.

“I think you know exactly what you want. And I do too and I can make it happen. All you have to do is a little something for me and I will make every last memory disappear from your mind plus I can erase your face from everyone’s mind, freeing you from ever being forced to pay for your ‘crimes’.”


I remain silent as I ponder Amaya’s offer while walking. Soon I have reached my old home.

I walk up to the door and push it open gently. Inside there is no sign of blood. I hadn’t wanted to stain my mother’s house with those traitors blood. I still don’t fully believe Shizuka’s story of her betrayal but I don’t believe I was right in deciding our clan’s fate.

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