Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I wipe the sweat from my brow before continuing on.

Someplace around here is one of the Akastuki bases. They have two in the land of Wind. The first is a small one in the middle of nowhere-perfect for training inconspicuously. That is the one that I spent the few precious moments with my brother after I was rescued from the summit.

I pause. My brother, now that’s someone I hadn’t thought of in a while. I didn’t really leave him on a good note although it wasn’t horrible either.

I shake my head and continue searching for the second Akastuki base in the Land of Wind.

The base that I am looking for is the second largest of the numerous Akastuki bases. Despite having been with the Akastuki for a while I have never been to this base even though it’s one of their favorites.

I finally spot what I am looking for and run towards the smooth sandstone rock stuck in the middle of nowhere hidden by the sand. If I hadn’t been looking for it I would have never seen it.

I walk up to the rock and feel my hand along the bottom.

My hand brushes against a carving, the word Akastuki written in kanji. I smile, satisfied, and place my palm in the center. I close my eyes and form a single hand sign with my free hand.

Soon I hear a scraping sound. I open my eyes and step back, patently waiting for the rock to finish sliding over to reveal a darkened staircase.

I glance behind me before skipping down the stairs, jumping two stairs at a time.

I reach the end of the staircase and cautiously peer around the corner, kunai in hand.

The dark hallway seems to go on forever in both ways, the ends hidden in shadows.

I tiptoed down the hallway, glancing behind me.

After what seems like hours of walking I find a door almost hidden in the walls.

I turn the handle and peer inside. The room is too dark to see anything but a few feet ahead of me.

I step inside and feel my way around. I find a light switch and flick it on. The room lights up in a burst of blinding light.

Once my eyes become accustomed to the sudden change in lighting I glance around the room.

The room is completely empty, nothing but the walls and floor.

I shake my head and turn the light off.

As I continue down the hall, peering in the different rooms, it becomes obvious nobody has been here for a while.

Just as I am about to turn around and leave I sense three chakra signatures.

Immediately I run toward the chakra signatures while hiding my own.

I make my way to what I remember from the blueprints as the conference room.

At last I find the entrance to the room. I gently push open the doors and walk inside. Four cloaked heads turn my way.

“Utau!” They all yell in unison.

I grin.

“Long time no see.” I reply.

They grin in return as they shove their hoods back.

Leo, Kagem, Nikkou, and Yumi are standing together having been carrying on a heated conversation before I arrived.

“Wait, is it really you Utau? Last time I saw you you tried to kill me…” Nikkou speaks quietly.

I nod. “Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t exactly in my right mind at the moment.”

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