6. Descent

876 25 1

Winter, 2009

"Bianca, dress up nicely, sweetheart. Your father wants to have a formal dinner with his family.", my mother says with a bright smile on her face.

"Are we expecting a big news today?", I ask my mom as I flip the pages of my history book.

It's so tough being a sixteen year old honestly, high school, homework and history tests that lie on Thursdays. I absolutely dread the latter. But apart from these, formal family dinners are a headache. Now I've to decide what to wear. That's why I like my school has uniform. I don't have to think each day what to wear.

Absolute relief.

My brother on the other hand, hates it. He says he can't wait to go to his Designing school with no uniforms and doing what he loves the most.


Sometimes, it's really hard for me to come in with the fact that he's eighteen now. He'll leave me as he goes to college. And I've to put up with mom on my own. Difficult times will be arriving soon and my brother will be designing beautiful dresses while I sulk in the Winston household in pure agony.

I'm dramatic, I know. I get it from my mother.

"You guys aren't having any more kids, are you?", I ask my mother.

My mother twists her face, "Bianca, please be ready at time and come to the hall downstairs.", she shuts my door.

I lazily walk towards my huge closet and try to find a dress amongst the tons of polo shirts and jeans that I own. I can proudly say I have every colour polo shirt. You name a colour I have.

Going farther in my walk in closet I find a black dress with long sleeves. I rememeber buying it as I fell in love with it on the first sight. Those rare moments when I find a dress this classy and buy it without a second thought.

Pairing it with black heels, I comb my hair and pin them on the sides. Applying some thin eye liner and mascara, I put my favourite chapstick on my lips, which I usually end up absentmindedly licking off.

As I move out a light knocking takes place on my room. Thinking its mom I rush and nearly trip because of the treacherous heels

"Shit, ow!", I curse and open my door waiting for my mother to scold me for my crude language.

"You shouldn't wear heels if it's the last thing you need to do.", Caleb says without even looking at what I'm wearing. His baby blue eyes glinting with mischief.

"It's you.", I say dryly. .

"The one and only. Mom says to hurry up", he's wearing a light grey shirt and black chinos

"What's up with you and the greys? You're wearing grey often these days."

"New favourite colour.", he says with a brilliant smile. No doubt it's his favorite.

He enters and takes a look at my study table. He then cringes looking at my history book.

"Poor you.", he says pointing at it.

"Yeah well, I have one more tormenting year of this, unlike you.", I say looking at him. The happy glint in his eyes is covered by concern.

"Hey, you'll be fine, Bi. I'm just a call away. And I'll tell mom to go easy on you. Don't worry, your big brother will take care.", he says hugging me.

I tighten my grip around him. "I wish I was as strong as you."

He grab my shoulder supportingly, "You're strong, Bi. You're the strongest. You have kept up with him so long. Her staff changes every month. They quit.", he says and I chuckle at his words.

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