7. Cheeseburger and Vodka

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I huff a short breath as I sign off a couple of papers. Today's Board Meeting was quite uneventful. All the new innovations and bussiness strategies I had put forward, seemed pretty risky to many of the board members. While some agreed to the new plans and ideas, I had in mind, a few were pretty cryptic about it and it led to some delay in the work.

"Don't be stressed, Ms. Winston. It's just been a week, at this pace you'll tire yourself out too soon.", Samuel, my personal assistant says as he pushes a couple of more papers on my desk.

Outside the office we are on first name basis with each other. Samuel is three years younger than me and his dedication to work is absolutely downright amazing. With his dark brown hair and warm hazel eyes that are layered by thick glasses, he owns heart of lot of females in the office. But I know that he loves his girlfriend, Mia to an extent that it makes me jealous at times. Mia was a really close friend of mine as well. She's so filled with energy and cheerfulness that it's almost infectious.

Samuel is among the very few people who seem to keep up with me and my temperamental behaviour. But he doesn't know that I have a soft spot for him. He's almost like a younger brother to me.

"You know what Mr. Swan. Please give Mia a call and ask her to come over in the evening as I'm in terrible need of some vodka shots with a nice company.", I give him a lazy smile which he returns.

"On it, Ms. Winston.", he says.

I give him a nod before he continues, "I've laid down the plans for the hotel in London, and you have a meeting with the builders at twelve in the afternoon. I'd like to know your preference for lunch today."

I think for a while, "I think I'll have a cheeseburger and some fries from that cafe down the street. And don't forget the iced tea."

He looks at me, "So, the next week your mother asks me what you ate, do I tell her about the cheeseburger or make up some, my apologies, shit about a fancy salad?"

I glare at him.

"Fine, fine! Fancy salad it is.

"Mr. Swan."

"Yes, Ms. Winston?"

"Please get lost. And don't show me your face until I see you with my cheeseburger."

"Duly, noted Ms. Winston.", he says with light chuckle before he goes out of my office. I see him taking out his phone, probabaly texting Mia.

After my mom had come to know about my utterly deteriorated eating habits or the lack thereof, my life had become hell. As if I needed another reason to get my mom hover above me to know what I eat and how many times a day.

Since, my mother was a model in her prime years, she is among the most health conscious people inhabiting this planet. Irritatingly health conscious, to be more precise. I'm surprised she didn't try to do everything she could have to make me a vegan.

I live on meat. I would like to say I breathe on it but I'm intellectually too good to make that sort of a comment.

Easily my mind gets to work and a bit more work. And I go through the plans of the new hotel.


"This place is amazing!", Mia squeals as she walks in the fancy pub, her fingers laced with Samuel's.

I chuckle a bit as I recall the story behind it.

"You see that small crappy hotel sort of there.", I pointed at a red building with a neon sign on it, which was visible from the glass french windows of the pub. It wasn't crappy actually, but I'm a Winston. I'm filthy rich, almost everything is crappy for me.

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