9. To San Francisco with a Hot Company

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So, this is probably going to be the last chapter to be updated until June, 2019. Due to some academic pressures I've to discontinue writing until June.
I hope my readers understand.

Also I want to thank @GreyHunter29 and @maanvirawal for their help in this chapter. I really did cry.


After firing nine people from the staff, almost buying another private jet, Samuel saying I'm an idiot and having a meltdown, I still can't believe my luck could be this bad.

Sitting beside the person I hate the most was definitely not in my schedule when I planned to meet Nonna today. And the most terrible thing is that I've to bear this for more than 6 hours.

Lord, save me.

"You're too stiff.", the voice just beside me says.

"Shut up.", I tell him.

Not now Hatzis, not now.

"I can't believe I'd ever see this day. The hotshot billionaire sitting in the bussiness class of a trashy public jet beside the man she probabaly hates with her guts.", he says smirking at me before taking out his phone.

The thing is, what he said just now, is absolutely true.

It vexes me.

"I thought you had a private plane.", he says looking at me from his phone.

I do have a plane, a plane with faulty wings which my staff couldn't fix in time. Leading me to fire half of them and sitting in here.

"I thought you had a private plane as well.", I ask him. I read it somewhere in a bussiness magazine about his net worth and all the other ridiculously expensive things he owned.

"Hatzis' have a jet but it's in Greece, dad is using it for his travel.", he says and looks away in the glass window.

The sight is always beautiful, especially with the clouds, soft gleam of sunlight seeking through them just adds to their beauty.

I don't know much about his family, except for the fact that his firm is quite global. His father takes care of the bussiness in Greece, his younger brother in England while him here in America.

"How's your dad?", I ask him genuinely.

He snorts, "Like you care."

His face hardens and it's easy for me to know that he's hiding a great deal of pain inside him and it makes me momentarily tender towards him. This moment, I wish we were not in our present terms so that I could ask him what's wrong. And I don't like myself very much right now, because I know I can't.

"I asked, didn't I?", I mutter as I continue texting Mia, telling her about my present pathetic situation.

She sends me a sad emoji but knowing Mia, I know she's probably giggling at me.

"He's fine.", he tells me suddenly. I hide a smile which almost breaks on my face.

"Good to know."

"How's yours?"

"He's actually really happy these days, a lot of burden off the old man's shoulders.", I tell him.

He grins, "And you have your older brother, he's a fashion designer right?", I know he knows but he's starting a conversation.

We are having a civil conversation.

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