20. Rushed Up

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"Okay, you need to go or she'll kill me." Samuel says being exasperated with me.

"She won't."

He sighs and takes the seat on a cushioned chair that is kept in front of my office desk. I, on the other hand, vigorously type on my laptop trying to finish a week's work just so I can postpone going to my parents home and meet my mother.

"Your mom will and will surely kill me because she already called me ten times reminding me that your today's schedule includes your dress fitting with her." Samuel says as he picks up a file he had given me in the morning.

"Dress fitting," I scoff. "What is it, my wedding?"

Samuel sighs and places his head on his hands, "Please, why do you make this job so difficult for me? I need a pay rise."

I slam my laptop shut and try to brace myself for the upcoming torture hours. Its useless to procrastinate it, since I know that it is quite inevitable.

"Fine, I'm gonna go now. You can have an early off as well." I tell Samuel.

"Whoa, I'm gonna use this pay rise trick next time I want you to do something I want." he says smirking a bit. Knowing that it wasn't even near the reason that actually got me started.

"As if. Anyways, don't forget to send me the emails." I remind him before I pack all my stuff and carry my handbag, moving towards the tinted glass doors of my office's entrance.


We both go to the lift together and I offer to give him a lift to his apartment. He begrudgingly takes it because he knows I'm just making excuses to be late to meet my mom. Plus, Samuel can do anything to save taxi fare.

We talk very less all through the car ride. I know that Mia has still not told him where exactly she and I had gone on Saturday. He still thinks the it was our usual girls' day out and I do feel a bit guilty hiding this from my best friend. Still, its not my place to tell him anything.

And its not as if Mia is actually pregnant.

The driver parks the car near his apartment and we bid farewell.

"Good luck, Bianca." he teases me.

Little does he know that I seriously need luck for the next few hours.


I'm again filled with the same clawing and burdening feeling as I enter the big gates of my parents' gigantic house.

I know mom and dad are not on good terms right now, which does nothing other than intensifying the weird feelings that I am having. But out of habit and out of pettiness, I always side up with my dad. Which means I would be even more irritated by my mother than I am usually.

Like that's even possible, I think.

As I enter the house and pace very lazily into the living room, the first thing that I see is my dad in loose denim jeans and a t shirt reading the evening economic paper.

"Hey, dad!"

He looks up and give me a smile. The one that crinkles the side of his eyes.

"You're early. I thought you would waste another hour before finally coming here." He says as he folds the newspaper.

"Well, here I am. But where's mom?" I ask him. Usually, by this time my mother is always in the living room with a woman doing her nails or she reading some fashion magazine.

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