14. Relatonship Status

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"Ms. Winston I'd like you to fill this with all the important dates of the year so I have prior information for any schedule clearance," Samuel passes me a checkered sheet and I take my time to jot down everything.

I start with January till the end, recalling everything that I can but I fail so I go to my own indigenous method.

So, here we go, 27th August, Uncle Howard's Death Anniversary and then roughly two months later, 3rd November which is mom and dad's wedding anniversary. Exactly nine months and two weeks later Caleb's birthday 15th July.

Nonna's birthday on 29th November with mom and dad's being 5th March and 18th December respectively, I quickly jot down Samuel and Mia's as well with a couple of more before I'm done and I pass the sheet to him.

He chuckles and says "You forgot one."

I frown and snatch the sheet from him, going through it again, I still can't find anything I missed. I don't usually miss things.

Samuel sighs, "You didn't write your own birthday, dumbass."

I scowl at him, "No name calling in the office, Mr. Swan. I'm your employer do you want to get sacked?"

He raise his hands in surrender before I quickly scribble down my own birthday, and cringe at the memory of my last birthday party where mom had invited her puke worthy guests and twenty different guys who thought they were the man but we're so full of shit. She thought I'd hit with any one of them but apparently, according to her, I have 'raw taste in men' that's why I didn't like the classy men she invited.

I mean sushi is raw food too. But it's heavenly. Deal with it.

All I ever want for birthday is my family enjoying a peaceful meal.

"Hatzis has been trying to get in contact," Samuel says as he shows me some emails from Chris. They were from his personal account.

This man has some major stubborn flesh, I literally had to change my number for he kept banging my cell phone with his texts and calls and anything which accounts as communication means in the 21st century.

I groan, "I want to hire an assassin."

Samuel gives out a laugh, "Ms. Winston you may have anger issues and you are rude and incorrigible also a bit vulgar at times-"

"Samuel I'm telling you-" but he cuts me to continue his sentence.

"But you are not a bad person. You are the most sensitive human and when I say killing is not your style I mean it."

Why do I have my best friend as my PA?

"Anyways, Caleb called when you were in the meeting, he'll reach here in the evening and will wait for you in your house until you return." Samuel informs and I'm happy to have Caleb. When I told him what happened he said he'll come and give me a visit.

Caleb has always been with me in my sad or happy times. He seems to radiate strength in me and when I'm down he kicks my ass till I'm up on my feet again.

"One good thing this week. Tell Martha to prepare caesar salad for dinner as well today, Caleb loves it. And I want the file on DeVon Corp asap." I take a sip of my coffee and look at my compute, checking some stats.

"Will do, Ms. Winston," Samuel says as he takes out a couple of photocopies of my 'important dates' sheet and give one to me before he walks out of my office.

I pull up the sheet and look at Caleb's Birthday. I must tell you there was a time when I thought to find the the reason why my father had certain issues with him.

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