12. Shreds Of Glass

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I gently blow the steam over my tea and look at Nonna, I am not ready for this conversation.

"She loves you, Bi. It's just she needs to be constant support for Caleb because you know Arnold is a stuck up," Nonna says. "I know Arnold is my son but he's been through a lot. It took him several years of hard work to bring Winston Corp where it is now. The enterprise was almost half of what it was when your grandpa was the CEO."

"I don't understand my parents, Nonna. It's all confusing.", I tell her.

"I understand. But you're doing great, Bi. As the CEO, you're doing a good job."

"Yeah, I guess. I have some more plans. You know we are already engaged in construction, architecture, agriculture and all. I'm planning a bit to be put in music as well.", I say taking a sip of my herbal tea.

"Oh, that's good. Music is like this evergreen thing."

I nod, "Yeah, that's why. As soon as the hotel in London is complete I'll start the work on it. Everything is almost done for London, we will soon start the construction when the land is alloted to us and I'm so happy and excited about this project."

Nonna smiles at me. I was about to take another sip of my amazing tea when my phone vibrates. I would have ignored it but it was a text from Samuel.

Samuel- You won't like this. You need to come back asap.

I groan, Samuel was even more of a work addict than me.

Me- What is it?

Samuel- It's about London. The project can't be done. It's all went downhill.

I feel air being vacuumed out of my lungs.

Two days.

Just two days I'm not around and people are ready to mess things up for me. Many assets had been liquidated for this project not to mention the shares that were sold for this.

I text Samuel back.

Me- What happened?

I throw my tea cup on the floor in anger. All I see is red after I read Samuel's last text.

Samuel- Hatzis.


I'm facing the brown wall of my office and doing the breathing practise my mother told me to do when I'm in utter temper.

Oh, this doesn't work!

I throw the crystal pen holder on my table right on the wall. It breaks into a million pieces before I turn around to see my executive staff. All of them flinch at my action. And Thea, a petite small woman nearly squeaks.

"HOW?!", I roar making Thea squeak and wince again.

"The Hatzis branch in London managed to get the property and other things done before us. We planned to visit the property holder next week to discuss land allotment, but Hatzis had the upperhand being permanently there.", one of the board member explains me.

That little piece of shit.

"We contacted the Hatzis Firm, the American branch didn't have much knowledge to the deal that took place in London.", Thea tells me.

"Bullshit! Of course they know!", I slam the paper holder across the room. Samuel ducks before it could hit him and sighs.

He comes to my table and clears every hard and potentially dangerous object from my table.

"Please, calm down Ms. Winston.", he says.

I glare at him. I can't believe he has the audacity to tell me to calm down. We are literally in chaos. There is so much money problems we have to face not to forget the shares that we had to sell.

"Mr. Swan," I look at him, "Tell the driver to take out the car this moment. We are going to have a little excursion to the Hatzis Architecture and Interiors."

I stomp out of the office, my shoes creaking on the broken glass that spread across the floor of my office.

I hear Samuel asking someone to clear the office before rushing to my side.

"I'm going to contact Christos' PA," he says before pulling out his phone.

I snatch it away from him, "There's no need. Let's give him a surprise."

Samuel says nothing. I know he's not happy with this situation either. Both of us had worked our asses off for this project, to find a good property, the land and everything. It just literally crumbled down.

When we sit in the car I mentally scold myself.

One time, one time, I opened up a bit with Hatzis. Thinking maybe it wasn't that bad to at least tell him something.
But no, things had to mess up for me.

I don't know why I told him about London. Deep down I knew some little talks could never change who we both are.



The car stops in front of the tall building and I leap out of the car, Samuel hot on my heels.

The receptionist looks baffled and before she could ask her usual shit, I was already in the elevator.

When we reach the floor on which Chris' office was I rushed to the door. His PA's eyes widened as he looked at me and he came before us.

"Ms. Winston you came unannounced. Mr. Hatzis is in a meeting he... ", I looked straight in to his eyes and yelled at him.

"FUCK. OFF.", I open the door and enter the office. I see Chris in some deep conversation with someone.

"I don't know why he didn't tell me about this... ", his eyes meet mine and he looks so stressed that I somehow feel exhausted just by looking at him.

He moves towards me, "Look Bianca, I can explain,"

I cut him off, "You're the biggest asshole ever!"

He sighs, "Just listen, it was my brother I didn't even know ab..."

I cut him off again, "Shut up! Just shut up! This is playing dirty Hatzis. This is awfully dirty even for you!", I feel so frustrated.

So fucking frustrated, right now.

He closes his eyes before speaking, "Please, it was my brother I told you about him that day. I didn't know about it just listen..."

"No! I don't wanna fucking listen to you. I thought you weren't this bad. I thought maybe I could share a few things with you but no Chris! You're not capable of anything except my enmity. I hate you!", he looks away.

I'm nearly on the verge of tears. I don't know why I feel this bad. It was Christos Hatzis. He's capable of doing nothing less than this.

But I just couldn't help but feel betrayed. I don't even know why. I thought maybe we progressed.


I stomp out of the office and sit in my car before a couple of tears leak out.

"You told Hatzis?', Samuel asks me before gently giving me a tissue.

"I know I'm the biggest idiot ever.", I tell him. All my anger is subsided to embarrassment now. A feeling I can only share with Samuel and Mia.

"Hey, you're far from an idiot you know that.", he holds my shoulder.

"It's my fault."

"It's not. It's okay. We'll figure something out okay. Forget London, maybe we can find a better place alright. I know you'll think something out.", he says.

Of course, I will figure something out. It's not just about a fucking hotel it's about something much more. Which now I'm pretty sure couldn't be anything much more.

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