23. No Regrets

241 13 0

The Gala, truly is the best.

Today, I really have realized that a great company is very important to enjoy anything in life. I officially introduce Chris to Mia. Samuel, on the other hand, kept blurting 'I knew it' every passing second. 

As we were sitting on the table together we also found out that I and Chris were both nominated for the category of 'New Influential Entrepreneurs of the Year'.

"So, are you gonna tell me how or what?", Mia whispers in my ear.

"Sometimes, you gotta let lose and feel things.", I tell her.

"So, you guys together or what?"

I sneak a look at Chris who is talking to Samuel. One of his hand encloses mine under the table, "We have decided to give it some time. We have just ended a pretty messed up thing. Time is needed before jumping off to things."

Mia squeezes my shoulder, "I'm so happy for you. But what about Momma Winston?" she says referring to my mother.

"Tonight, I care for nothing.", I say.

"Whoa, I like this Bianca a lot.", she says winking at me.


Winning the award can't even compare to the happiness that I am getting right now dancing with Chris.

"So, I was thinking if you would like to come by my house this weekend and we might give that Sygklino a try again?", Chris asks me.

"I'd love that.", I tell him.

He gives me a bright smile that reach his eyes. 

His damn eyes. It's like they just want me to drown in them. I suddenly have this immense need to kiss him. 

And I probably would have if it wasn't for my mother, "Hello, Bianca dear. Won't you introduce me to your date?"

Chris cut me off to this, "Hello ma'am. I remember we have met before, I am Christos Hatzis and if I must say you look lovely tonight."

Damn, he's smooth, I mentally clap for him.

"Why, thank you dear. You are one handsome man yourself, Christos.", my mother says.

"I get that a lot.", Chris says with his signature smile.

Can he get any more perfect than than this?

"I thought you were attending with Reece?", my mother asks me giving me an awkward smile which actually meant 'what the hell'.

"Oh no ma'am. I would never let any other man get the opportunity to have Bianca's company. Especially when she's the one who asked me in the first place.", Chris says as he wraps an arm around my back.

I am enjoying this way too much to think about the consequences later.

"Also," Chris adds, "I feel like Reece is enjoying way too much with his date, anyway.", he points at Reece who's dancing with a girl that actually I recently found out to be the girl Chris' father had tried to hook him up with.


"Very well, enjoy the evening you two.", my mother says.

"Wait mom, where is dad? I couldn't find him all evening?", I ask her a bit worried. 

Dad has always been a support for me and I missed him a lot. I also had to tell him about Chris.

"He's...he's a bit ill." my mom says.

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