Chapter Nineteen

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Rose's POV

My room hadn't changed at all since I'd lefts however many months ago it was now. Except someone had cut back the thick vines that had grown around my open balcony windows so that the doors could be close. 

I gasped hurrying over to the doors, "Who would do this, they haven't been shut since I was four!" the hinges and metalwork on the doors were rusted, and now they were shut it made the room for smaller and less like home to me. I found myself missing our rooms back in Russia, with all the tall bookcases, stone fireplace and ancient crafted windows that looked out on mountains and expanses of forest. 

I tried to open the doors but they had been locked shut. 

Nicholas came up behind me, wrapping me into his embrace and kissing my neck, melting away my tension "Everything alright my love?"

"Yes... or rather no, I guess this room doesn't feel like home to me anymore. It's not me anymore."

He turned me around and gently kissed me, making me smile and wrap my arms around his neck wanting more. But Nicholas pulled back, I huffed in annoyance. 

Nicholas chuckled, "Go and have a bath Rose, relax, while I'll unpack out things"

He gave me a pat on the bum and a nudge in the direction of the bathroom. I scowled and may have stomped off a bit like a small child being refused a treat.  

Once I'd shut the door behind me I could still hear Nicholas' soft chuckles. the deep, gorgeous sound made it very hard to stay irritated with him. 

I ran a nice hot bath, putting in some drops of lavender oil to help me relax, it filled the room with it's the intoxicating aroma. Changing out of my thick Russian winter clothes, I slid into the water sighing and resting my head back against the tub half submerged. This was just what the doctor ordered, washing away the grime of travel and soothing my aching muscles. 

Once or twice I felt myself nodding off in the heat of the bathroom and scented water, but I would shake my head and attempt to focus in the haze. After washing my hair with my scented shampoo oils, I climbed out and wrapped myself in a thick, fluffy white towel, snuggling into the material. 

Poking my head around the door and saw my mate lying back on my bed his arm draped over his eyes, his breathing soft and even. I stifled my giggles, I must have been longer than I released, but I was glad Nicholas had probably less sleep then I'd had the past few weeks. He was always watching and worrying over me especially since Sokolov got away the first time, and since the news of the attacks, I don't think I'd seen him even rest his eyes for a moment let alone sleep. 

Quickly I grabbed some fresh underwear and one of Nicholas' shirts I'd brought with me and changed into them. Just as I did up the last few buttons I heard my mate stir, Nicholas looked so cute just waking up, with a confused crinkle on his brow, his eyes half open and blinking away the fog. 

"Looks like someone didn't get very far with unpacking." I giggled, climbing onto the bed and resting on Nicholas' chest. 

He smiled, rubbing his eyes, "I guess was more tired than I realized, 

"Flat out exhausted more like it." 

Nicholas smiled ruefully, bringing his hand up and running his fingers through my curls, sending tingles through my scalp.

"I see you're wearing one of my shirts" He ran his hand done my neck to the shirt collar, then he frowned again, his fingers finding the torn shoulder seam, exposing my collar bone. "Why is there a hole in it my love?"

I chewed my bottom lip guiltily, "I may have taken out some of my aggression on your clothes while packing." 

He laughed, "You know they aren't cheap right, ah well, better the shirt than me I suppose." 

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