Chapter Twenty One

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**Ok so quick note before the chapter. I know you all probably hate me right now as I haven't updated the story in over five months... I have no excuses I'm afraid, I've still been on Wattpad reading other people's stories, but not actually going anywhere near my own, despite the stream of comments from everyone asking for me to update. This chapter has been half written since July and to be honest, I kinda hate it but I know that if I don't get it out there I will never continue and finish Rose's story. My original plan was to have this finished before 2020 but obviously that's not going to happen! So I plan on finishing it fingers crossed and my University work permitting, in the next couple of months. And the reason for my sudden return is that a recently re-read the amazing book "Eliza and her monsters' by Francesca Zappia, which made me want to start writing and posting my own stories for fun in the first place. So please keep your patience with me a little longer and I will finish this trilogy even if it kills me!

SummerShadows xx

Rose's POV

"Hush Rose," Nicholas cradle my face in his hands, forcing me to look into his calming eyes, "I will protect you, and our son. We will find Sokolov and put an end to all of this, to the serum and the twisted. Our people will be safe, our family will be safe."

I nodded slowly, Nicholas' soothing voice and presence washing away fears for now. 

For the last few hours of the flight, we spent in silence, drifting in and out of sleep, my emotions filling me with exhaustion. 

"Rose, we're about to land," Nicholas said softly, helping me up into a sitting position, 

"Urgh, I'm not going to lie, that was a pretty crap journey."

My mate chuckled, gently kissing me and brushing a stray curly lock behind my ear, "You can go straight to bed when we get back to the castle" 

"Only if you come with me."

"I promise after I've sorted a few things out I'll come straight to you"

I pouted up at him, he just laughed and kissed my frown lines, "What am I going to do with you" He sighed. 


As soon as we entered the main doors I was tackled into a crushing hug by both Gaby and Anya, 

"Woah, guys" I laughed squeezing them back, "Not too tight or you'll crush the baby!" 

"We're glad your back and safe," Said Gaby giving Nicholas a quick hug, 

I noticed the boys here too, Val, Leo and Ilia, all three coming over to hug Nicholas and me, I felt warmth bloom in my chest for all of them, my second family. 

"How is the baby?" Asked Anya eagerly, which surprised me, I didn't think babies were her kind of thing, but clearly, she'd changed her tune. 

"He is doing very well so far." I smiled, turning to share a look with Nicholas, 

"He! It's a boy!" squealed Gaby excited

"Congratulations," Said Ilia, he and Val shaking hands with Nicholas, 

"Any chance there's another one in there too?" Joked Leo, 

"Nope, just the one little guy in there, this time." Said Nicholas, putting his arm around my shoulder and smiling down at me. 

"Come on Rose, tell us all about your trip." Said Gaby taking my hands and pulling me away with Anya, was it my imagination or did they both just share a look with the guys. I turned my head to stare at them suspiciously, 

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