caught you 2

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beam's pov:

monday afternoon:

lunch time :food court:

i am sitting on the table having my lunch.i notice for the first time,that forth sits next to my table facing his back to me.

pha and kit joined me.they gave me the smile that second plan is executed.i smile too.

after few minutes lam and park join forth,

when i was about to go to buy water bottle,someone hold my hand,.i asked what is it.

a beautiful guy  came with flowers and says he wants to date me.

his gang members are clapping and making noise,by that all the people in the food court are staring me.

i simply say "that i am not interested" .his smiling face is gone,he seriously drag me to him and try to kiss me.

pha and kit ran towards me,by the time they reached me ,i already smack his face and he fell o the floor and i  warned him.

never mess with me.i can see everyone's staring me like i am a hero.we went out of the food court,

before leaving i made a glance at forth face and leaves the food court.

forth face is boiling,its like i was seeing a horror movie.

that day i didn't receive any surprises from my admiror,i know what he is doing.

i was in the room,when pha and kit came and showed me video,

its forth beating that guy who proposed morning.

beam:   so it was him.i smile.

/* we plan the proposing event in food court,he is phas friend from high school.he willingly helped us.*/

pha:  then what's next.

beam:  plan 3

pha and kit laugh.then we made a drama in food court that i am meeting my admiror today.

i know forth will follow me.and there he is in front of me smacking my fake admiror 

/*flashback end*/

forth pov:

 when i see who is the guy making wrong moves with my beam,i am stunned.he is ae,one of the engineering student.he id beams cousin.i have seen him so many times with beam.

what the hell i looked at beam he was smiling and said.

so you are my secret admirer.i caught you.

after a few seconds of surprise i realised that it was all beams plan.

oh god,i was caught red handedly,what should i do.

then hear a voice its ae

ae:  god,i can see what love makes to a person.he is really adorable.all his jealousy tells how much he love you.

now you two talk,i will leave.

forth: hey ae i am sorry,

ae: its ok,take good care ofmy cousin.he seems like a hero,but he is take good care of him.

beam:hey what is that .who is child here,

ae: we all know who it is,so stop being adorable and take your love.


beam and forth:bye ae

forth:so what is all this

beam:you have to tell me.


thats it for this part.

guys this is my first fanfic.i need your valueable suggestions.

feel free to comment,vote and star

thanks in advance,


Chasing you(my love)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora